Archive for March 2024

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[Commlist] VivaMente Conference 2024 - Call for Papers

Fri Mar 15 12:00:45 GMT 2024

VivaMente Conference in the History of Ideas 2024



*Interpretive and Scientific Knowledge in Medical and Medico-Legal Case-Histories *

*from Antiquity to the Renaissance*


Hybrid Conference


*24-25 October 2024*

*Domus Comeliana, Pisa*


*Daniel King *(Exeter), *Nephele Papakonstantinou* (Würzburg)

Keynote Speaker:

*Thomas Baier* (Wuerzburg)

Confirmed Speakers:

*Alessandra Quaranta *(Liège), *Nicola Reggiani* (Parma), *Biagio Santorelli* (Genova), *Anna Maria Urso* (Messina)



Contributions are invited for the 2024 /VivaMente Conference in the History of Ideas/. This edition will focus on the intersections of narrative, rhetorical persuasion, and factual evidence in medical and medico-legal case-histories from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Both genres of case-histories (or /consilia/) can be traced from the Hippocratic /Epidemics /(/e.g./, Ricciardetto 2020), through Roman medical-legal practice (Lloyd 2009; Reggiani 2018 with Papakonstantinou 2023) and Islamic medicine (Alvarez Millan 1999) to the Renaissance (/e.g./, Chanielier & Nicoud 2012; Quaranta 2022). They shape, each with a different approach, the process of diagnosis, providing persuasive accounts of clinical facts and medical truths, as observed or inferred from the patients’ symptoms.

The conference will draw upon the approaches developed in the field of Narrative Medicine (Hunter 1991; Petridou & Thumiger 2015), and will build on recent work done on the role of rhetoric in medicine (/e.g./, Petit 2023), to investigate a number of important questions:

    *how did different forms of medical narrative describe symptoms,
    contextualising them within contemporary medical doctrines?*
    *by whom were these accounts compiled and for what audiences?*
    *how did they combine objective observation and subjective
    descriptions of symptoms in compelling accounts of medical truths
    and facts?*
    *could the parameters of a specific case alter the narrative
    structure of practical knowledge as emerging from the physician’s
    (and the patient’s) perception?*
    *how could such accounts constitute a source of knowledge for
    evidence used in legal practice?*

By studying both the /longue durée /development of /consilia/ and their synchronic relationships, this conference will provide a renewed historical perspective on the ways in which medical diagnosis, understood as a practical activity, changed over time; and how such changes occurred in the adjacent fields of law and medicine.


Abstracts of no more than 500 words must be accompanied by a small biographical note, and must contain the abstract's relationship to the previous literature on the topic (including citations).

Papers will be delivered within a 35-minute time limit and will be followed by a 10-minute discussion.

Please send your abstracts to both organisers, at (_D.King /at/ <mailto:(D.King /at/>_ (and_nephele.papakonstantinou /at/ <mailto:(nephele.papakonstantinou /at/>_, by *30 May 2024.*

The organisers’ decision will be communicated to the authors of abstracts by *15 June 2024.*



Papers Submission*: 30 May 2024.*

Selected applicants’ confirmation: *15 June 2024*






C. Alvarez Millan, « Graeco-Roman case histories and their influence on Medieval Islamic clinical accounts »,/Society for the History of Medicine /12/1(1999) 19-43.

J. Chanelier & M. Nicoud, « Les médecins en justice (Bologne, XIIIe-XIVe siècles) », in /Experts et expertises au Moyen Âge. /Consilium quaeritur a perito, Paris 2012, 149-160.

K.M. Hunter, /Doctor//’//s Stories: the Narrative Structure of Medical Knowledge/, Princeton 1991.

G. Lloyd « Galen's un-Hippocratic case-histories », in Ch. Gill, T. Whitmarsh, J. Wilkins (eds.), /Galen and the World of Knowledge, /Cambridge 2009, 115-131.

N. Papakonstantinou, « Roman Declamation, Roman Law, and Ancient Legal Medicine: the Case of /veneficium/ », /Rivista di diritto romano XXIII, n.s. VIII/ (2023) 1-44.

C. Petit, « Rhetoric and Medicine: Introduction », /Rhetorica/ 41/3 (2023) 219-224.

G. Petridou & Ch. Thumiger (eds.), Homo Patiens. /Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World/, Leiden/Boston 2015.

N. Reggiani, « I papiri greci di medicina come fonti storiche: il caso dei rapporti dei medici pubblici nell’Egitto greco-romano », /Aegyptus/ 98 (2018) 107-130.

A. Ricciardetto, « La réponse du médecin : les rapports d’inspection médicale écrits en grec sur papyrus (I^er -IV^e  siècles) », in M. Meeusen (ed.), /Ancient Greek Medicine in Questions and Answers. Diagnostics, Didactics, Dialectics /(p. 133-153), Leiden/Boston 2020.

A. Quaranta, « The /Consilia/ by Learned Physicians Pietro Andrea Mattioli and Francesco Partini: Dialectic Relations between Doctrine, Empirical Knowledge and Use of the Senses in Sixteenth-century Europe », /Social History of Medicine/ 35/1 (2022) 20-48.

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