Archive for April 2022

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[Commlist] New book: “The Power of Platforms“

Thu Apr 28 07:31:48 GMT 2022

“The Power of Platforms: Shaping Media and Society” is a new book by Rasmus Kleis Nielsen and Sarah Anne Ganter published by Oxford University Press.

Based on original interviews and other qualitative evidence, the book analyzes the "platform power" that a few technology companies have come to exercise in public life, the reservations publishers have about platforms, as well as the reasons why publishers often embrace them nonetheless. It traces how relations between publishers and platforms have evolved across the United States, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom and identifies the new, distinct relational and generative forms of power that platforms exercise as people increasingly rely on them to find and access news.

By examining the different ways publishers have responded to these changes and how various platform companies have in turn handled the increasingly important and controversial role they play in society, “/The Power of Platforms”/ draws out the implications of a fundamental feature of the contemporary world that we all need to understand: previously powerful and relatively independent institutions like the news media are increasingly in a position similar to that of ordinary individual users, simultaneously empowered by and dependent upon a small number of centrally placed and powerful platforms.

Pre-publication praise

“Essential reading for those who still care about information's role in politics." (Nick Couldry, London School of Economics and Political Science)

“An important book that brings welcome coherence and insight into the symbiotic and increasingly asymmetrical relationship between news publisher and platforms" (Vivian Schiller, The Aspen Institute)

“Truly a must-read for any student of media who wants to understand the controlling role of digital intermediaries." (José van Dijck, Utrecht University)

The book is available from OUP <>

From Amazon: <>

And academic book stores.

Table of contents


Chapter 1. The Rise of Platforms

Chapter 2. An Epochal Debate Over the Value of Content: The Historical Development of Google's Relations with Publishers

Chapter 3. "Inextricably Intertwined"? Publishers Dealing with Platforms

Chapter 4. "Our futures are tied together": Platforms Dealing with Publishers

Chapter 5. The Power of Platforms

Methods Appendix



A short excerpt from the concluding chapter is available on the Nieman Lab here <>

The corresponding author is Rasmus Kleis Nielsen at (rasmus.nielsen /at/ <mailto:(rasmus.nielsen /at/>

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