Archive for August 2021

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[Commlist] Opening for Full Professor of Media & Cultural Industries, University of Groningen

Fri Aug 27 10:47:53 GMT 2021

We are looking for a full Professor of Media and Cultural Industries, with an emphasis on processes of digitalization, datafication and platformization, to join our vibrant department of Media Studies and Journalism at the University of Groningen.

For this Chair the media and cultural industries in all their facets are central, with an emphasis on processes of digitalization, datafication and platformization. Media are central to the cultural industries, also known as the creative industries. Cultural industry scholars are turning their attention to the growing cultural influence of the technology sector. Tensions and collaboration between tech giants and the traditional cultural sector is reshaping these industries and the cultural content they produce. This has implications for cultural creators, for citizens, and for culture. How are citizens impacted and how do policy makers at all levels respond? How do platform politics influence which stories get told and which ones get ignored? What happens when cultural texts are reframed as 'content'? What is at stake when cultural curation is outsourced to algorithms and how does the automation of cultural production affect work and meaning? These questions are central to this new chair of Media and Cultural industries.

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The deadline for application is Sept. 24.

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