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[ecrea] CFP: Journalism across Borders
Mon Dec 04 21:19:18 GMT 2017
Journalism across Borders
The Production and “Produsage” of News in the Era of
Transnationalization, Destabilization and Algorithmization September
26th – 28th, 2018 | Ilmenau, Germany
Joint Conference of the Journalism Studies Division and the
International and Intercultural Communication Division of the German
Communication Association (DGPuK) Hosted by the Institute of Media and
Communication Science, Technische Universität Ilmenau, in collaboration
with the Media School, Indiana University Bloomington
Conference chairs: Martin LÖFFELHOLZ, Liane ROTHENBERGER, and David H.
Chairs, International and Intercultural Communication Division: Carola
Chairs, Journalism Studies Division: Annika SEHL, Klaus MEIER, and Nina
“The media, politicians, social actors, business leaders, and decision
makers continue to talk about the information society or the network
society or whatever they want to call it, in terms that are those of
futurology and uninformed journalism, as if the transformations were
still in the future.” (Castells 2005, 6)
Conference theme
Journalism is crossing borders since mass media and nation-states
co-emerged in the 17th century. Both news agencies and the professional
role of the “foreign correspondent” first appeared in the 19th century
contributing to the institutionalization of “foreign news coverage”.
Since cross-border journalism stems from the “increasing connectedness,
boundarylessness and mobility in the world” (Berglez 2008, 855), the era
of the internet has further advanced and expanded the
border-transcending production, dissemination and reception of news.
Transnational co-operations like the European Broadcasting Union (EBU),
Eurosport, 3sat, or BBC World News demonstrate different kinds of
cross-border journalism.
According to Castells, the “network society diffuses in the entire
world, but does not include all people. In fact, in this early 21st
century, it excludes most of humankind, although all of humankind is
affected by its logic, and by the power relationships that interact in
the global networks of social organization.” (Castells 2005, 5)
Likewise, we may argue that the global networks of communication,
including cross-border journalism, do not reach out to everyone;
however, directly or indirectly all news producers and news consumers
alike are affected by the opportunities, obstacles and outcomes of
transnational journalism.
Against this background, the conference “Journalism across Borders”
intends to critically analyze both cross-border news production and
“transnational journalism cultures” (Hellmueller 2017) challenged by
technological advances, the wide-ranging transformation of traditional
media, innovative forms of news production (Jallow 2015) and the ongoing
economic globalization despite political instabilities related to the
success of parties and politicians claiming to re-nationalize politics
and policies. The various forms of social media, for instance, encourage
the development of “news networks” (Domingo & Wiard 2016) comprising
actors beyond classical newsrooms.
More than a decade ago, scholars from across the globe discussed various
aspects of transnational news production at Technische Universität
Ilmenau, Germany. The conference paved the way for the publication of an
overview on the theories, methods, findings, and future of global
journalism research (Löffelholz & Weaver 2008). Now, almost ten years
after publishing this volume, it is time to follow up on the state of
globalization and transnationalization of journalism taking into
consideration recent changes and current developments particularly
relating to the new digital media environment. Thus, we are inviting a
broad range of papers analyzing cross-border journalism from conceptual
as well as empirical angles. Papers can include various perspectives
such as the systemic contexts of cross-border journalism, its structures
and routines, changes in production processes, or the shifting roles of
actors in digital environments. Furthermore, we are encouraging
submissions dealing with theoretical and or methodological challenges of
cross-border journalism research as well as submissions addressing new
trends and developments. Hence, your contribution might answer one or
several of the following questions, among others:
1. Conceptualization of cross-border journalism How do we define
cross-border / transnational journalism in the early 21st century? Which
dimensions characterize cross-border / transnational journalism
regarding the micro-level (e.g. journalistic role, practices, routines),
meso-level (e.g. transnational organizations), or macro/systems-level
(e.g. influence of culture / ideology)?
How does the understanding of cross-border journalism change over the
course of time or in different regions / cultures?
How does cross-border journalism relate to journalism cultures in
nation-states? If cross-border journalism is conceptualized as the
collaboration between individuals or organizations from different
journalistic cultures, how does this collaboration work, and who
collaborates with whom?
Which factors stand against such collaborations, e.g. differences
regarding professional standards and ethics, role perceptions, etc.?
2. Political, legal, economic, and normative context of cross-border
How do developments in the economic sector influence cross-border
How do political or legal realignments set the frame of reference for
advances, or regressions in cross-border journalism?
Who sets the (legal) boundaries for journalism across borders?
How transnational are the audiences of transnational journalism?
Are there interconnections between cross-border journalism and emerging
populism, and political as well as social destabilization?
Of which value is cross-border journalism, and to whom (audiences,
politics, economy, etc.)? Does it come at a cost, such as an information
overload or eroding trust in supranational organizations?
3. Organizations, structures and routines of cross-border journalism
What are the limitations and opportunities of cross-border journalism on
the organizational level?
Which structures and routines do enable or constrain cross-border
How do foreign news coverage, international news agencies, foreign
correspondents or international broadcasting change in the digital age?
How does cross-border journalism adjust to structures such as online
journalism, blogs, SNS?
4. Production, produsage and products of cross-border journalism
How do we define “transnational products” of journalism?
How did production processes of cross-border journalism develop in the
era of digitalization?
How does the “produsage” of news via social media affect transnational
journalism? How do cross-border media projects benefit from their
transnational audience?
What are the quality criteria of cross-border journalism?
5. Actors and networks of cross-border journalism
Who are the (new) actors in cross-border journalism?
How do production networks of cross-border journalism change? How do
transnational journalists collaborate with each other and in automated
production environments?
Which qualifications and education do journalists working in
transnational environments require?
Which social and cultural milieus do influence journalists working in
the transnational arena?
6. Trends and future of cross-border journalism
How does cross-border journalism cope with automation and algorithmic
Does computational journalism influence actors’ roles, routines, and
structures of cross-border journalism?
How do cross-border journalists handle the Internet of Things and Services?
What further effects do globalization and digitalization have on
cross-border journalism?
Does virtual and immersive journalism contribute to an expansion of
cross-border journalism?
Which role do platforms and search engines play in cross-border
journalism, shaping journalistic coverage and the awareness,
availability, and reception of this coverage by means of algorithms?
How do cross-border journalists deal with social bots and fake news?
7. Methodological and theoretical challenges of cross-border journalism
How can we incorporate phenomena like social media, algorithmization,
and produsage into models of cross-border journalism?
What are the methodological challenges, opportunities and pitfalls of
transnational journalism research?
Which models and contributions to empirical studies and theoretical
impulses are initiated by scholars who do not belong to the “Western”
spectrum? Do we still have a bias in our scientific community and
publishing system that inhibits a De-Westernization and real
transnationalization of cross-border journalism research?
Submission of proposals
Please upload your proposal for a presentation of 20 minutes (max.) at
www.tu-ilmenau.de/mw/ conference no later than April 15th, 2018. Your
proposal should contain 8.000 characters maximum (including spaces,
references, tables, figures). The proposal must relate to the conference
topic and elaborate on the subject’s relevance and originality. Please
add a title page to the abstract containing the name(s) and address(es)
of the presenter(s) and the title of the presentation. By submitting the
proposal, you agree to present your paper at the conference. Suggestions
for innovative presentation formats such as roundtables or others are
welcome. Please contact us as soon as possible if you would like to
suggest other presentation formats. Submissions will go through an
anonymous peer-review process taking into account the originality,
relevance, distinctiveness, and conciseness of the proposal as well as
its theoretical foundation and the adequateness of research methods. The
general fit with the conference topic will be considered, too. You will
be informed about the acceptance or rejection of your proposal no later
than May 30th, 2018.
PhD Workshop
Prior to the conference, we will organize a workshop for PhD candidates
on Wednesday, September 26th. The number of participants is limited.
Proposals must be forwarded to the organizing committee no later than
May 30th, 2018. For further information, please consult the separate
call which is also available at the conference homepage.
The conference language will be English. We strongly encourage
submissions of non-Western scholars. Travel and accommodation expenses
cannot be reimbursed. The conference fee will be calculated as low as
Conference chairs Professor Dr. Martin Löffelholz, Dr. Liane
Rothenberger, Professor em. David H. Weaver, PhD
Head of Organizing Committee Dr. Liane Rothenberger
Committee assistance Ines Birnschein
Address Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Medien und
Kommunikationswissenschaft, D-98694 Ilmenau, Germany
E-mail (liane.rothenberger /at/ tu-ilmenau.de)
(ines.birnschein /at/ tu-ilmenau.de)
Telephone +49 (0) 3677- 69 4669 (Organization) +49 (0) 3677- 69 4703
(Conference assistance)
Fax +49 (0) 3677- 69 4645
Berglez, P. (2008). What is Global Journalism? Journalism Studies 9(6),
Castells, M. (2005). The Network Society: from Knowledge to Policy.
Castells, M. & Cardoso, G. (eds.). The Network Society: From Knowledge
to Policy. Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins Center for Transatlantic
Relations, 3–22.
Domingo, D. & Wiard, V. (2016). News Networks. Witschge, T., Anderson,
C. W., Domingo, D., Hermida, A. (eds.): The SAGE Handbook of Digital
Journalism. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, Singapore: Sage, 397–409.
Hellmueller, L. (2017). Gatekeeping beyond geographical borders:
Developing an analytical model of transnational journalism cultures.
International Communication Gazette, 79(1), 3–25.
Jallow, A. Y. (2015). The Emerging of Global Journalism and Social
Media. Global Media Journal: American Edition, 13(25), 1–10.
Löffelholz, M. & Weaver, D. H. (2008) (eds.). Global journalism
research. Theories, methods, findings, future. Malden (USA), Oxford
(UK), Victoria (Australia): Blackwell-Wiley.
PhD candidate workshop in association with the international conference
Journalism across Borders
The Production and “Produsage” of News in the Era of
Transnationalization, Destabilization and Algorithmization
Joint PhD workshop of the Journalism Studies Division and the
International and Intercultural Communication Division of the German
Communication Association (DGPuK) to be held on Wednesday afternoon,
September 26th, 2018 | Ilmenau, Germany
The PhD candidates’ workshop intends to support and advance junior
researchers interested in journalism studies and/or international and
intercultural communication. PhD students in every phase of their
doctorate studies may share and discuss their projects with
internationally well-known scholars. A membership in the German
Communication Association (DGPuK) or in the respective divisions is no
Workshop procedure
- Presentation of the PhD project based on the submitted research sketch
- Feedback from respondents as well as feedback by all participants -
15-20 minutes presentation and 15-20 minutes discussion per participant
- Option to discuss issues thematically and methodically related in
self-organized groups
Application and registration
PhD candidates who want to present their dissertation projects are
requested to submit a sketch of their research project (up to two pages)
until May 30th, 2018 to the following email address:
(liane.rothenberger /at/ tu-ilmenau.de). The sketch should include the
following information:
- Dissertation project’s title
- Organisational affiliation (university, department, mentor, way of
financing, e.g. project or employee, scholarship holder, or the like)
- Summary of research problem, theoretical background, (planned)
empirical method - Start and estimated end of work
- Description of current status focussing on the most important
The invitation to participate will be sent out until June 30th, 2018
based on the result of the selection procedure. Afterwards, the
participants are requested to submit an updated version of the paper
until August 27th, 2018 (up to three pages) to be discussed at the workshop.
The workshop will be carried out in English. Travel expenses cannot be
reimbursed. Participation in the PhD workshop does not include the
registration for the main conference.
Organizing Committee Dr. Liane Rothenberger, Dr. Nina Springer
Address Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Medien und
Kommunikationswissenschaft, D-98694 Ilmenau, Germany
E-mail (liane.rothenberger /at/ tu-ilmenau.de)
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