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[ecrea] CFP 'What Is Cinema?' Conference

Sat Dec 03 03:42:36 GMT 2016




18th-21st October 2017

Faculty of Arts, Valladolid (Spain)

University of Valladolid

Organised by: The Cultural Association Trama y Fondo and the Area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the University of Valladolid (Department of Modern and Contemporary History, America, Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. UVa).

Justification and interest of the proposal

Cinema has been part of our lives in such immediate, close and enveloping a manner that it eventually turned into a dominant component of our landscape, mixed with our daily lives and, likewise, not thought about but perceived as one of its pressumptions.
Yet cinema’s appearance was to radically change the landscape prior to 
its arrival. This new form of spectacle, surprising and unexpected, 
completely disrupted previous leisure activities. And, perhaps at the 
same time —or not much later— something else came with it which, in a 
way, was the exact opposite: a new ceremony, a new rite and new temples 
where a new —and extraordinarily meaningful— way to access stories was born.
The age of the cultural hegemony of cinema has come to its end and for 
that reason we have been able to distance ourselves from it in order to 
start acknowledging the novelty it meant and the way that novelty 
affected the History of Culture. On the other hand, the ways in which it 
has survived in a number of various phenomena which are distinct from it 
but have followed suit justify the topicality of this reflection.
Hence, the Cultural Association Trama y Fondo is organising its 9th 
International Conference on Textual Analysis in the city of Valladolid, 
from 18th to 21st October 2017, with the main topic ‘What is cinema?’
All the different disciplines within the social sciences and the 
humanities have something to say in this regard. Consequently, all 
scholars are summoned to participate in the conference, provided that 
they abide by its main rule: that the different proposals rely on and 
are justified by the analysis of a text or a group of texts. They do not 
need to be film texts, but they do have to be concerned with the essence 
of cinema and of its age that give sense to the heading of this call for 

Proposals, papers and full texts in English are all welcome.


-President of the Cultural Association Trama y Fondo: Jesús González Requena

-Conference Directors: Mercedes Miguel Borrás, Vidal Arranz

-Assistant Director: Tecla González Hortigüela

-Secretary: José Miguel Burgos Mazas

-Scientific Committee Coordinator: Luis Martín Arias

-Editors of the proceedings and web page: Amaya Ortiz de Zárate, Basilio Casanova
-University of Valladolid Coordination: Manuel Canga Sosa

-Main Site Coordination: Ana Cea Navas

-Associated organisations Coordination: Lorenzo Torres, María Monjas

-Sponsor Management: Ana Velasco, Esmeralda Hernández Toledano

-Public Relations, Mass Media: Carmen Domínguez, Gema Martín

-Social Networks: José Luis Castrillón, Edmundo Molinero, Víctor Lope

-Treasury: Ana Paula Ruiz

-Visual Design: Luis Sánchez Lamadrid

-Translations and International Relationships: José Díaz-Cuesta

-Technical Equipment and Rooms: Alicia Gil Torres, Cristina San José


−Francisco Bernete (Complutense University of Madrid)

−José Luis Castro de Paz (Universidad of Santiago de Compostela)

−Jesús González Requena (Complutense University of Madrid)

−Begoña Siles Ojeda (CEU-Cardenal Herrera University, Valencia)

−Luis Martín Arias (University of  Valladolid)

−Vanessa Brasil Campos (UNIFACS, Salvador University, Brasil)

−Alejandra Niedermaier (University of Palermo, Argentina)

−Julio César Goyes Narváez (IECO-National University of Colombia)

−Patricia Hart (Purdue University, USA)

−Amaya Ortiz de Zárate (Complutense University of Madrid)

−Fernando Ojea (Spanish Society of Phenomenology)

−Julio Pérez Perucha (President of the Spanish Association of Film Historians)
−Gonzalo Portocarrero (Pontificia Catholic University of Perú)

−Jorge Urrutia (Carlos III University of Madrid).

−José Vidal Pelaz López (History Area, University of Valladolid)

−Nereida López Vidales (Journalism, University of Valladolid)

−Alberto Lena Ordóñez (University of Valladolid)



1st March 2017

Abstract proposals

They must be sent to (jmburmaz /at/ <mailto:(jmburmaz /at/>

Data to be included:

−Name and surname

−Email address


−Institution or company

−Title of the proposal (presentations and papers)

−Abstract (not more than 300 words)

 From 2nd  March to 2nd April

Abstract selection –Notifications

 From 3rd de April to 22nd September

Full texts must be sent to the organisers

Once the proposal has been accepted, the author must send the full text BEFORE 23rd September 2017. The author will be allowed to modify the original text both during its presentation at the conference, and later, as a result of conference discussions. Full texts are required in advance so as to estimate their quality.
 From 3rd April to 15th October


18th to 21st October 2017

Conference at the University of Valladolid (Spain)

22nd December

Final full texts must be sent to be published in the Conference proceedings


−The Ontology of Film

−Film Aesthetics

−Film and History

−Film and Advertising

−Film and Journalism

−Film and Language

−Music in Film


José Miguel Burgos Mazas (jmburmaz /at/ <mailto:(jmburmaz /at/>

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