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[ecrea] CfP: Conference Revitalizing concepts in mass communication

Fri Jul 22 07:00:55 GMT 2016

CfP: Conference Revitalizing concepts in mass communication (deadline 
for abstracts extended)
Call for Papers

*Revitalizing concepts in mass communication*


Conference – 17-18 February 2017, in Brussels, Belgium

Co-sponsored by the University of Missouri School of Journalism and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)

Digitization, globalization, economic instability, individualization and other disruptions are posing conceptual challenges to Mass Communication in a variety of areas including Journalism Studies, Political Communication, Health Communication and Strategic Communication. Terms such as /audience/, /journalist/, and even /mass communication, /as currently conceptualized/, /may no longer capture communication phenomena in the ways they once did.
This conference seeks conceptual papers that revisit an array of concepts:

1) Concepts that transcend mass communication, but nonetheless have particular bearing on the field; for example, concepts such as agency, autonomy, community, culture, democracy, hegemony, identity, interaction, memory, participation, representation, or public.

2) Concepts that are central to mass communication, including the concept of mass communication itself. Other concepts might include audience, channel, feedback, framing, information-seeking, media, or transmission.

3) Concepts that are specific to areas within mass communication. For example, health equity, information subsidy, photojournalism, public diplomacy, or public interest.
Papers that address concepts that transcend mass communication, should 
nevertheless focus on the relevance of those concepts for the field. 
Papers that address concepts from areas within mass communication should 
still point to their relevance for the broader field.
This conference is sponsored by the University of Missouri School of 
Journalism and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). The 
conference will be held 17-18 February 2017, in Brussels, Belgium.
A 400-500 word English-language abstract should be submitted to 
(_ResearchConference /at/ 
<mailto:(ResearchConference /at/>_ by */15 August 2016/*. Notice 
of acceptance will be provided by 2 September 2016. Full papers in 
English of no more than 8000 words (including everything from title to 
references) will be due by 1 January 2017.
For more information, contact Tim P. Vos, Coordinator of Global Research 
Initiatives, University of Missouri School of 
Journalism,(_ResearchConference /at/ 
<mailto:(ResearchConference /at/>_.
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