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[ecrea] Social Media Training Workshop for Early Career Researchers

Fri Mar 25 16:41:05 GMT 2016

The ESRC-funded  “Social Media – Developing Understanding,
Infrastructure & Engagement” (ES/M001628/1) award based at the
University of Aberdeen is organising a workshop for early career
researchers in the social sciences to come together to explore the
challenges of collecting and analysing social media data. The workshop
will run over two days (April 19-20) and will commence at 2pm on day 1,
and conclude at 5pm on day 2.

The workshop will cover tools, techniques and methods of social media
data analysis equipping participants with a toolkit that will allow them
to select, obtain, process, analyse and present a social media data set.
Activities during the workshop will be grounded in case studies, and
hands-on sessions will use data sets from recent research at Aberdeen.
Topics will include data collection and transformation, ethics, analysis
and visualisation.

The event is targeted at early career researchers (postdoctoral research
associates/fellows, recently appointed lecturers) in Social Science
disciplines (i.e. those whose research would be funded by ESRC).
The workshop venue is the MacRobert Building at the University of Aberdeen.

Practical sessions will involve participants obtaining data from
different social media platforms, a tour of available software tools
(including those developed at Aberdeen), and analysis of real datasets.
The sessions are designed to be ‘hands on’ and will involve active
participation from attendees. We are asking participants to bring a
laptop with them, if at all possible.  During the workshop participants
will complete mini-projects in groups relevant to their own research

Attending the workshop is free. Funding is available to support travel
to Aberdeen, some accommodation costs, all lunches during the event and
dinner for all participants on day 1.
An application for funding to attend the workshop is part of the online
application form.

Link to the application form:
Link to the webpage about the workshop:

Places are limited, so please apply early.

If you have any queries relating to the event please contact Dr Jennifer
Holden ((j.a.holden /at/ <mailto:(j.a.holden /at/>, 01224

Please pass this announcement on to colleagues that you think may be
interested. A workshop for PhD researchers will be held later in the year.

Jennifer Holden

*Dr Jennifer A Holden*

University of Aberdeen

Room 818 MacRobert Building

King’s College, Aberdeen AB24 5UA


*e: *(J.A.Holden /at/ <mailto:(first.last /at/>

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