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[ecrea] From Multitudes to Crowds- cfp

Tue Aug 26 21:05:21 GMT 2014

Final Week: Submission of Abstracts Deadline is coming closer

Deadline for proposals: 31/08/2014 – Next Sunday

From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements – publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century

26-27 January 2015
International Conference hosted by the Catholic University of Portugal, in a CECC/CECL co-organization.

Further info:

There has always been, in human history, collective action taken by ordinary people. The 19th and 20th centuries were a period of political affirmation of social groups and the concomitant emergence of social movements as collective endeavors to promote political and social change in any direction and by different means (Borch, 2012). This period saw the rise of the social movement in the sense of a set of people who deliberately commit themselves to a shared identity, a unifying belief, a common program and a collective struggle to prosecute that program of social action.

In the 21st century there has been a transformation of the traditional forms of action. Indeed, the repertoire of collective action (Tilly and Wood, 2009) has changed as the organization and public recognition are different in a time when the relevance of the media in social and political relations invites new orders of functioning. The revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests, riots, and civil wars in the Arab world beginning on 18th December 2010 are an illustrative case. The Arab Spring had in communication tools, such as the Internet and social networks, a key factor for social mobilization and socio-political demands (Khondker, 2011). The same occurred in Portugal, Greece and Spain with social protests related to the global financial and economic crisis. Social networks were vital to the coordination of national and international collective actions, while traditional media such as television or the press were essential for the public recognition of their causes.

Even if recent technological changes put social actors in a global network society (Castells, 2009), that does not necessarily erase the need for a topological experience (with its physical and emotional aspects) (Collins, 2001). Social movements and publics still need to gather in crowds to reach their collective dynamics. So, how to characterize the reciprocal influence of multitudes, publics and crowds?

The International Conference “From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements – publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century” aims to discuss media relevance on present-day social movements and if and how collective action is being transformed in contemporary mediatized societies (Adolf, 2011; Burton, 2010). How should we think the relation between mediatization and public experience? What is the symbolic meaning attached to the occupation of public spaces such as streets, plazas or official premises? How do social movements’ commitment to change (Tilly, 1977) use social media to establish a unified system of belief? How do they relate to the “crisis of representation” in contemporary social and political systems? What is the place of crowds in social movements? What is the relation between multitudes, crowds and publics? How do publics engage in “public action regimes” (Cefaï and Pasquier, 2003)? How are Sociology, Political Science and Communication Sciences reacting to the new developments in social organization and public expression?

This two-day event brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines such as Communication Sciences, Sociology, or Political Science, to offer an updated perspective on the ways notions of multitude, crowds, social movements and media intersect. It proposes to study social movements repertoires and how social groups are led to adapt, improvise and invent new ones under the social constraints imposed by the use or presence of media.

Confirmed Speakers:

* Dr. Christian Borch (Copenhagen Business School, CBS, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy);
    * Dr. Erik Neveu (Sciences Po Rennes)
    * Dr. Gustavo Cardoso (ISCTE- Lisbon Universitary Institute)
    * Dr. João Carlos Correia (University of Beira Interior)

We welcome contributions that consider (but are not limited to) the following topics:

    * Social Movements and the Crowd
    * Social Movements History
    * Social Movements and the Crowd
    * Social Movements History
    * Crowd Sociology
* Critical Theories on the Crowd, Multitude and Publics (Le Bon, Tarde, Durkheim, Freud, Canetti, Negri, Habermas)
    * Theoretical Appraisals on Social Movements
    * Theories on Public Experience
    * The Publicity of Crowds, Publics and Multitudes
    * Public Sphere and Social Movements
    * Media and Crowds
* Traditional and New Media in the Emergence and Consolidation of Social Causes
    * Media's Influence on Collective Action
    * Digital and Social Media in Social Protests
    * The Influence of Crowds and Multitudes on Public Agenda
    * Social Movements and Democracy
    * Crowds, Multitudes and Publics in Media Events
* Social Movements, Media and Imagination - Words of protest, songs of disapproval and images of appeal
    * Media Visibility of Social Action
    * Media, Crowds and the Law
* Media, Arts and Literature Representations of Crowds, Publics and Social Movements
    * Multitude and Crowd in the 21th century- from Facebook to the street
    * The Occupation of Public Spaces by Social Movements
* European Social Movements in diverse national contexts, ex:"Geração à Rasca" (Portugal), "Indignados" (Portugal), "Que se Lixe a Troika" (Portugal), "Movimiento 15 M" (Spain), and "Nunca Máis" (Spain) * Contemporary Social Movements ex: Arab Spring; Obama presidential campaigns; Tea Party; "Occupy Wall Street" and the recent Political and Social Crisis in Ukraine, Greece, Venezuela and Brazil

Official Language: English

Further info:

Submission of Abstracts

We welcome proposals of no more than 300 words, by August, 31 2014, including a title, abstract, four keywords, a short-bio and affiliation details. Send the proposals in RTF or PDF format to the following email: (frommultitudetocrowds /at/

An Electronic Book (with ISBN) is expected to be published with a peer-reviewed selection of the best papers presented in the conference. Please note that the acceptance of the abstract does not guarantee publication in the Ebook.


    * Submission of Abstracts Deadline: Next Sunday, August, 31th 2014
    * Notification of Acceptance: October, 1st 2014

Submission of Full Paper Deadline: December, 15th 2014

CECL- Communication and Languages Research Center

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities | NOVA University

Av. de Berna, 26-C, 5th floor, room 506

1069-061 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Tel. (+351) 21 795 08 91

(info /at/

CECC - Research Centre for Communication and Culture

School of Human Sciences | UCP

Palma de Cima, 1649-023 LISBOA - PORTUGAL

Tel. (+351) 217 214 018

(cecc /at/

Samuel Mateus on behalf of the

Organizing Committee

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