Archive for August 2014

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[ecrea] Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) CFP

Wed Aug 06 10:09:21 GMT 2014

Conference theme: /Getting ready for the unexpected. /

       /Information Systems for Crisis Management in a complex and
       uncertain world/

       Conference dates: May 24-27 2015

       Venue: Centre for Integrated Emergency Management / University
       of Agder. Kristiansand, Norway



       Long Papers: November 21st 2014
       Short Papers: January 30th 2015

Emergencies are characterized by their ‘un-ness’‘…unexpected, unscheduled, unplanned, unprecedented and definitely unpleasant’ (Crichton 2003) – they are unexpected and unknowable in their specific unfolding. However good plans and scenarios may be, uncertainty is a defining feature in emergency events. Through this conference theme we invite Tracks and submissions focusing on the technologies, procedures, approaches, methods and tools that can be employed to improve crisis response in an increasingly complex and dynamic world. Creative and critical reflections are welcome.

Full details found at:

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