Archive for May 2014

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[ecrea] Doctoral Researcher: Visual Communication in War-/Conflict News

Wed May 14 08:55:43 GMT 2014

The Institute of Communication Studies & Media Research at LMU Munich, Germany, is currently looking for a doctoral researcher to investigate the role of visuals in the communication of war and violent conflict. The position comes with a stipend for two years, starting in fall 2014. The project is furthermore connected to the international INFOCORE project consortium, which investigates the different roles that media can play in violent conflict. Application deadline is June 30. Please find the vacancy note here:
Dr. Christian Baden
Institute of Communication Studies & Media Research (IfKW)
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich, Germany
(c.baden /at/ <mailto:(c.baden /at/>

INFOCORE <> Project Team, WP5-8:
(In)Forming Conflict Prevention, Response, and Resolution: The Role of Media in Violent Conflict
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