Archive for November 2013

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[ecrea] CFP - Special Issue: Perspectives on Sound Design, The New Soundtrack Journal

Thu Nov 07 13:55:50 GMT 2013

The New Soundtrack, Edinburgh University Press
Special Issue: Perspectives on Sound Design
Call for Papers

One hundred years ago futurist artist Luigi Russolo invented mechanical synthesisers, called Intonarumori, capable of producing and controlling noise-sounds. This, together with the emergence of recording technology, marked the beginning of Sound Design.

Nowadays the term Sound Design is used in many domains: academic research, university courses, commercial websites, film credits, job descriptions, etc. But what does it mean to ‘design sound’? How does it differ from music? What are the disciplines and skills involved?

This special issue stems from a Symposium that took place at York University on 5th July 2013 that brought together leading international academics, researchers and practitioners to discuss the emergent field of sound design research. The goal of this issue is to highlight the interconnections between sound design research and practice in fields that are often considered separate such as film and television sound, product design, game sound, sonic interaction design, auditory displays and sonification of data, theatre sound, soundscape design and more to reflect on the possible definitions and boundaries of this emergent area of research.

We are particularly interested in ‘why’ a particular perspective, method, definition, connection is significant, relevant and/or novel, rather than descriptions of ‘how’ particular sound design techniques work.

This includes topics such as:

* definitions and boundaries of sound design as a research area
* sound design analysis and theory
* prototyping and ‘storyboarding’ in sound design
* transferability of methods and practices across fields of application
* interactive sound design
* functionality in sound design
* perception and cognition of designed sounds
* creative process and authorship in sound design


Initial proposals should be extended abstracts in English of between 800-1000 words. Papers should be 4500-5500 words. The papers will be selected through a blind review process. Upon the acceptance of the abstract you will be sent the authors guidelines.

The abstract should include the following information: 1) name of the author(s) with email addresses and affiliation if applicable, 2) Title of the paper, 3) Body of the abstract, and 4) Bibliography.


Please forward your abstract as a PDF attachment in an email addressed to:

Guest Editor: Dr Sandra Pauletto, (sandra.pauletto /at/

Important dates

Submission of abstracts: 1 February 2014

Full article due on: 1 March 2014

Final revised paper due on: 1 May 2014

Expected publication: September 2014
Dr Sandra Pauletto
Lecturer in Sound Design
Department of Theatre, Film and Television
The University of York
East Campus, Baird Lane
York YO10 5GB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 5223

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