Archive for September 2012

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[ecrea] New Issue of Journal of applied Journalism and Media Studies

Fri Sep 28 15:13:04 GMT 2012

The /Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies/ is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to bridge the gap between media and communication research and actors with a say in media production, i.e. broadcasters, newspapers, radio, Internet-based media outlets, etc. It is devoted to research with an applied angle in which a clear link is made between the prevalent theories and paradigms media and communication scholars work with, and the real world where media and communication activities take place. It tackles issues and practices related to the output and organization of media outlets in our digitized age.

The journal has a particular focus on and interest in contemporary issues and practices of media firms as they are experienced by their actors journalists, executives, publishers and proprietors, among others. Besides scholarly submissions, the editors are interested in articles written by media actors focusing on topics including their activities, problems, strategies, guidelines, management and editorial issues, organization, ethical codes, coverage, distribution, marketing, handling of user-generated material, etc. The journal is the first scholarly publication giving due consideration in publishing to material by media actors. Practitioners, for the first time, will have their articles printed alongside academic papers within the pages of the same journal.

The journal's main purpose is to test and apply media and communication theories to day-to-day affairs of media outlets to help executives, editors and journalists solve the issues they confront. It is interested in research and studies that help media actors journalists, proprietors and publishers improve their output.

Editors, Leon Barkho and Ibrahim Saleh,id=220/view,page=1/

Ibrahim Saleh, Ph.D.
Convenor of Political Communication at the Centre For Film & Media Studies, University of Cape Town (UCT); Chair of the Journalism Research and Education Section in the International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR);Co-editor of the Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies; Editor of Global Media Journal African Edition, & Global Partner Organization of the UN Alliance of Civilization Media Literacy Education Clearinghouse. Email: (Ibrahim.Saleh /at/ <mailto:(Ibrahim.Saleh /at/>,(Isaleh /at/ <mailto:(Isaleh /at/>,(jre09is /at/ <mailto:(jre09is /at/> & (librasma /at/ <mailto:(librasma /at/>
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