Archive for August 2012

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[ecrea] UC-ICA Latin American Conference

Tue Aug 14 16:33:44 GMT 2012

The deadline for early bird registration for the UC-ICA Latin American Conference has been *extended to 4 September 2012.* The conference "Designing and Building Research Network Maps: Trends in International and Latin American Communication Research" will take place in Santiago, Chile from 18-20 October 2012.

Click here to learn more about the conference <>

Click here to register <>

Best regards,

María Elena Gronemeyer Forni
Escuela de Periodismo
Facultad de Comunicaciones
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Rayén Condeza Dall'Orso
Profesora Facultad de Comunicaciones UC
Departamento de Comunicación Aplicada
Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 340-Santiago, Chile
Fono: 56-2- 354 2770 <>
“Vraiment étrange cette richesse, dont l'abondance même laisse mourir de faim."
Aristote, Politique I

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