Archive for 2011

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[ecrea] CFP: Reading Between the Panels Pt.3

Tue Oct 18 10:18:28 GMT 2011

*Reading Between the Panels Pt.3*

Edited by Steve Collins & Ian Collinson

In recent years there has been a slew of comics adapted for cinema, TV and videogame screens. Perhaps less visible but of no less importance are reverse forms of adaptation that recast media into the comic book format or those more subtle appropriations that employ a comic book aesthetic. This proliferation of adaptations may be regarded as the product of new business possibilities that have seen an intensified exploitation of comic companies’ intellectual property.
This special issue of *Scan Journal of Media Arts Culture* follows on 
from two previous installments of 'Reading Between the Panels' (see and for details).
We call for papers on the topic of comics and adaptations. Examples of 
suitable topics include, but are not restricted to:
- The effects of ‘comicification’ as a film, book, videogame or 
historical event is transformed into a comic book
- The transformation of comic narrative into other media forms; its 
politics, processes, economies and effects
- The ‘rebooting’ of familiar comic brands

- Critical responses to comic book adaptation such as Alan Moore’s disassociation from V for Vendetta and Watchmen
- The role of convergence of comic and other media companies in the 
proliferation of adaptations
- Non-professional adaptations of comics (fans etc.) and their critical 
Please submit abstracts (up to 300 words) to *(stephen.collins /at/ 
<mailto:(stephen.collins /at/>* by 30th November 2011. Full papers 
should be up to 6000 words in length and are due by 31st January 2012 
for publication in March/April 2012.
Dr Steve Collins*
Lecturer in Multimedia
Department of Media, Music, Communication & Cultural Studies
Macquarie University

P: (02) 9850 2165
L: Y3A 191D

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