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[ecrea] cfp: Intercultural Communication and its Mediations

Fri May 06 15:20:27 GMT 2011


*Cuadernos de Informacion** N=BA 29, diciembre 2011***

*Dossier: * *Intercultural Communication and its Mediations*

The forthcoming issue of Cuadernos de Informacion, the Chilean academic
journal edited by the Communications Faculty of the Universidad Catolica de
Chile, will contain a dossier on Intercultural Communication and Mass Media

We are inviting contributions from researchers and academics.  We will
welcome articles on this theme as well as those related to other aspects of

*20th August 2011 is the deadline for receiving contributions.  These have
to be sent to (cuadernos /at/*

For the dossier, we are interested in research or essays that tackle the
theme from diverse angles. The research questions that may be explored are,
among others:

1.- Intercultural relations in communications and mass media

-Media treatment of intercultural conflicts

-Stereotypes and representation of minorities in mass media

-Stereotypes and representation of minorities in advertising

-Intercultural challenges in corporate communications

-Xenophobia in global media

-Caricaturization or idealization in TV fiction

-New mass media: integration or xenophobia?

2.- Consumption of symbolic goods

-Market segmentation according to cultural criteria

-Consumption profiles of culturally differentiated audiences: urban tribes,
classism, conventionalisms

-Media consumption by cultural groupings

-Cultural reading of the media: mediations in its reception

6.- Public policies for mediated intercultural communication

-Cultural citizenship and communicative pluralism

-Norms and evaluation of governmental programs of intercultural

We are inviting you to send us a text that, preferably, sets out the main
elements of some original study or research. We are also accepting essays
and academic analytical articles of professional relevance.  All must be

Cuadernos de Informacion is indexed in Latindex, Redalyc, Dialnet, Clase,
Ebsco, Doaj and Ulrichs.  For more information, please visit our website:


Manuscripts must be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese.  They must
be written clearly and concisely and sent as a Word document by e-mail to
(cuadernos /at/

Each version of the manuscript must be original and must not be under
consideration by another journal.

The paper must have between 3,500 to 7,000 words, excluding abstracts,
footnotes and bibliographical references.

*Headline:* it must include: 1) headline in English and Spanish reflecting
the subject matter of the work.  The maximum permitted are 85 characters
including spaces. 2) Name and first surname of each of the author (with a
maximum of three authors), followed by the name of their place of work,
city, country and email.  If you have a Doctor=92s degree, include Doctor i=
front of the name. 3) A short curriculum vitae of the author/s: full name,
nationality, professional degree, research area or academic interest,
current place of work, postal address and posting date.

*The text:* it must not contain any reference to the author/s identities or
place of work. It must be written impersonally, never using the first perso=
plural or singular.

Include: 1) Abstract in English and Spanish. In 150 words maximum, it must
explain the objective of the research, the methodology used, and the main
results and conclusions. 2) Key words in English and Spanish, with a minimu=
of three and a maximum of eight.

Divide the article into the following sections: 1. Introduction; 2.
Theoretical framework; 3. Methodology; 4. Conclusions, duly numbered and
sub-numbered if needed (1.1, 1.2). Bibliographical references must be
included at the end of the paper; these are an essential requisite.

*The Introduction* must focus on the main problem the research is
addressing; its aim; the original contributions it is making. It must also
describe the way the paper is organized. The Theoretical Framework is a
description of research by other authors on theme of the paper (the authors
mentioned must be quoted according to the APA norms (American Psychological
Association): author=92s surname, year, number of pages, all this in
parenthesis. In the Conclusions section, research results are presented and
discussed.  The Bibliographical References must include all, and only, thos=
papers quoted in the text. This must be done in alphabetical order by
author, and chronological in respect to the same author, following APA

*Typography.* Use quotes marks only for exact quotes. Long quotes (more tha=
40 words) must be included in a separate paragraph, with a broader margin
than that used for the rest of the text. Use cursive or italics for words i=
a different language from that of the article and for media headlines.
Technical terms will be written with single quotes. Use footnotes only to
add information that cannot be included in the body of the text and only
when strictly necessary.

*Tables and graphs.* These must be numbered in order; each one must have a
headline and indicate the source of information (if it is the author=92s, i=
must be labeled as Devised by the author). Reference to each Table or
Graphic must be made in the appropriate place of the text.

*Book reviews.* These must have between 800 and 1200 words and deal with a
recently-published book on communications and or the media.

*Review and arbitration*

All articles published in *Cuadernos de Informacion* are submitted to blind
peer-review. Once a submitted article is deemed to fit the issue under
preparation, the Editorial Board=92s members will decide on its submission =
review by specialists, within the modality of anonymity. A minimum of two
experts will determine whether it should be published in *Cuadernos de
Informacion* in its original form, with modifications or rejected. Their
recommendations, if there are any, will be submitted to the author/s enough
in advance for their inclusion in the text.**

In case of discrepancies, the Editorial Board will resort to specialized
arbitration. The normal review period is three months. The journal will not
provide any information about the state of any review or arbitration before
it is communicated to the author via e-mail. **

*Conflict of interests:* authors and reviewers must declare any direct or
indirect financial interest they may have with any organization related to
the topic of the manuscript that could affect the production or
dissemination of the paper that has been submitted. **

The authors whose papers have been accepted for publication will receive
galley proofs for proof-reading. Only a small numbers of corrections can be
made at this stage.  The author/s will receive a copy of the journal once
the issue has been published.**

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