Archive for 2011

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[ecrea] Radio e-volution congress - deadline extended

Sat Apr 16 09:39:32 GMT 2011

Dear colleagues,

Although we have had a strong response to the Radio Evolution Congress call for papers, it has been agreed by the ECREA Radio Research Section chair and the Local Organizing Committee to extend the deadline for 10 days. This decision is to answer affirmatively to those who asked for a little bit more time.

*The new abstracts submission deadline will therefore be _April 25, 2011_. *

* *

Further information on the call for papers and abstracts submission:

Madalena Oliveira
Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade
Instituto de Ciências Sociais | Universidade do Minho
/Communication SciencesDepartment
Communication and Society Research Centre
Institute of Social Sciences | University of Minho/
4710-057 Campus de Gualtar - Braga | Portugal

Telefone directo: 253.604295
E-mail: (madalena.oliveira /at/

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