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[ecrea] 6th Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference, Istanbul, 29-30 September 2011

Mon Jan 10 12:46:34 GMT 2011

6th Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference,
Yeni Yüzyil University, Istanbul, Turkey,

29-30 September 2011

Title: The Intellectual Silk Road: Adaptation as Cultural Exchange

In recent years there have been movements to establish what might be described as ?the new Silk Road,? which will help improve trade routes between countries in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia. In October 2010 the Turkish and Chinese governments signed a new accord, establishing a framework for this new ?Silk Road? to be established. The significance of the Silk Road also extends to the cultural sphere: since 2007 the Turkish city of Bursa has hosted the Silk Road film festival, dedicated to showing short films and documentaries as well as feature films from countries once involved in trade on the Silk Road.
The topic of this year's Association of 
Adaptation Studies conference will focus on 
adaptation as a site for cultural exchange, 
reflecting the importance of trading activities 
along the Silk Road as sites for the 
transmission not just of goods but of ideas and 
cultures. Possible issues to be addressed in this conference might include:
?       Cross Cultural Theories of Adaptation: 
does the term 'adaptation' have different significances in different cultures?
?       Filming Shakespeare or other western 
canonical authors in nonwestern cultures
?       Adaptation as Transmission Between 
Cultures and Forms (e.g. print, radio, theatre, 
television, films, and video games, as well as 
cross-cultural stage and film adaptations)
?       The Pedagogy of Cultural Exchange: 
Interdisciplinary or Cross-disciplinary approaches to teaching adaptation
?       Occident and Orient: Adaptations across 'east' and 'west'
? Travel Adaptations, both fictional and nonfictional (documentaries, feature films as well as shorts)
?       Adaptation as a form of cultural (re-)negotiation
?       The Mass Media and Cultural Exchange: globalization vs. localization
?       Autobiography and Cross-Cultural Adaptation

It is hoped that this conference might underline the potential of adaptation studies to create new intellectual Silk Roads across cultures as well as across disciplines. However, we also welcome more general papers on the subject of adaptation studies, focusing on any kind of adaptation ­ film, television, video game, as well as other media.

Yeni Yüzyil University is a new university (opened in February 2009), established on the European side of Istanbul. It currently boasts ten faculties and two vocational schools. Its location seems especially suitable to the subject of the conference; the city of Istanbul has always been and continues to be a site for cultural, commercial and social exchange. In 2010 it was nominated as European City of Culture.

Proposals for presentations (20 minutes max, plus Q & A) are invited to address the issues outlined above, either through individual case-studies or through more general theoretical approaches.
Please send proposals BY APRIL 30, 2011 at the latest to both addresses below:

Prof. Dr. Günseli Sönmez Isçi,
Dean, Faculty of Science and Letters
E-Mail (gunseli.isci /at/

Laurence Raw
Baskent University, Ankara
E-Mail (l_rawjalaurence /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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