Archive for December 2011

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[ecrea] new issue of Communication, Politics and Culture journal out now!

Mon Dec 19 12:13:19 GMT 2011

Issue 44.2 of CPC is now available through the Informit database:

'The 2010 Australian Federal Election: New Media, New Politics?', guest
edited by Peter Chen and Ariadne Vromen (both Sydney University).

'This special issue draws together an eclectic set of papers on the role
and implications of the 'new media' on the 2010 Australian federal
election. This eclecticism is rewarding to those interested in the
political nature of information and communications technologies (ICTs)
in Australia. The perennially misnamed 'new media' has not, to date,
resulted in a watershed impact on Australian politics in the way that
proponents may have expected in the late 1990s: there has not been the
rise of a wholly new online constituency, nor a uniquely Australian
contribution to political practice that has altered the core political
economy or logic of political competition in this country. However, we
would argue that the 'normalisation' hypothesis (Strangelove, 2005, p.
20) does not fit the Australian situation because of its tendency to see
ICTs as a media channel that can be incorporated into an existing media
ecosystem, rather than a platform that is both generative (Sharkey,
2008) and remediative (Bolter&  Grusin, 2000) in nature. This makes the
new media 'evergreen', a constantly responsive technology that adapts
and creates. The implications of this are more subtle and broad-ranging
than the revolutionary arguments that portray the internet as inherently


Rachel Gibson&  Marta Cantijoch, 'Comparing online elections in
Australia and the UK: Did 2010 finally produce 'the' internet election?'

Jim Macnamara, 'Pre and post-election 2010 online: What happened to the

Axel Bruns&  Jean Burgess, '#ausvotes: How Twitter Covered the 2010
Australian Federal Election'

Stephanie Younane Brookes, 'Unscripted and Unpredictable: Communication
and Connection in ‘Televised Town Halls’,
Australian Federal Election 2010'

Ariadne Vromen&  William Coleman, 'Online Movement Mobilisation and
Electoral Politics: The Case of Getup!'

Bob Hodge&  Ingrid Matthews, 'New Media for Old Bottles: Linear Thinking
and the 2010 Australian Election'

Sebastian Kubitschko, 'Networked Civic Life: Issue Publics during
Federal Elections in Germany' (an additional unthemed paper)

Cheers and happy seasonals

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