Archive for December 2011

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[ecrea] ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies, vol. 4, no. 8/ 2011 announces the publication of the issue on « The Communication and the Sacred »

Mon Dec 12 07:52:32 GMT 2011

We are happy to inform you that the volume 4, no. 8/2011 of *ESSACHESS – Journal For Communication Studies *has been published.

The director and the editorial team of ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies thank all the authors who contributed to the success of this issue:

*Carlos AGUIAR, **Mihaela-Simona APOSTOL, Marcel BOLLE DE BAL, Philippe BRETON, Yves CHEVALIER, **María DEL MAR RUBIO-HERNANDEZ, **Stéphane DUFOUR, Gilbert DURAND, Denis JEFFREY, Salvador JIMENEZ MURGUÍA, Bernard LAMIZET, **Olivier NANNIPIERI,** **Johanna SUMIALA, Minttu TIKKA, **Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER*

ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies, covered in the international databases EBSCO, ProQuest CSA, Ulrich's, DOAJ, Gale, Index Copernicus and recently CEEOL, is available in print and electronic versions.

The online version is available at the address <>

Kind regards,

Stefan Bratosin

Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan BRATOSIN
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
Directeur du Laboratoire d'Etudes et Recherches Appliquées en Sciences Sociales
(LERASS - EA 827)
Directeur de la revue ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies <>
(sbratosin.univ.montp3 /at/ <mailto:(sbratosin.univ.montp3 /at/>
(stefan.bratosin /at/ <mailto:(stefan.bratosin /at/>

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