Archive for December 2011

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[ecrea] new book - The Mobile Audience - Media Art and Mobile Technologies

Tue Dec 06 13:18:43 GMT 2011

The following is a new publication which might interest you.

At the moment it is offered with 30% discount until January 15th*. More inf=
ormation at (info /at/<mailto:(info /at/>  <mailto:(info /at/>

The Mobile Audience - Media Art and Mobile Technologies

Edited by Martin Rieser
With an Introduction by Howard Rheingold.

Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2011. XV, 481 pp. (Architecture - Technology=
 - Culture 5)
ISBN: 978-90-420-3127-2                     Bound
ISBN: 978-90-420-3128-9                     E-Book
Online info:

The convergence of mobile technologies and ubiquitous computing is creating=
 a world where information-rich environments may be mapped directly onto ur=
ban topologies. This book tracks the history and genesis of locative and we=
arable media and the ground-breaking work of pioneer artists in the field. =
It examines changing concepts of space and place for a wide range of tradit=
ional disciplines ranging from Anthropology, Sociology, Fine Art and Archit=
ecture to Cultural and Media Studies, Fashion and Graphic design.
Mobile and Pervasive media are beginning to proliferate in the landscape of=
 computer mediated interaction in public space through the emergence of sma=
rtphone technologies such as the iPhone, cloud computing extended wifi serv=
ices and the semantic web in cities. These dispersed forms of interaction r=
aise a whole series of questions on the nature of narrative and communicati=
on, particularly in relation to an audience's new modes of mobile participa=
tion and reception.

These issues are explored through a series of focused essays by leading the=
orists, seminal case studies and practitioner interviews with artists at th=
e cutting edge of these technologies, who are extending the potential of th=
e medium to enhance and critique technological culture.
By emphasizing the role of the audience in this nomadic environment, the co=
llection traces the history and development of 'ambulant' artistic practice=
 in this new domain, creating an essential handbook for those wishing to un=
derstand the dominant global technology of the 21st Century and its implica=
tions for Art, Culture and Audience.

Howard Rheingold: Introduction
Martin Rieser: Overview
Section 1: Towards Hybridity. A History of Audience Mobility
Erkki Huhtamo: Pockets of Plenty: An Archaeology of Mobile Media
Susanne Jaschko: The Temporal and Spatial Design of Video and Film-based In=
stallation Art in the 60s and 70s: Their Inherent Perception Processes and =
Effects on the Perceivers' Actions
Martin Rieser: Forgotten Histories of Interactive Space
Adriana de Souza e Silva: Art by Telephone: From Static to Mobile Interface=
Section 2: Critical Issues in Mobile Art
Critical Contexts and Definitions
Mary Griffiths and Sean Cubitt: Mobile/Audience: Thinking the Contradiction=
Jon Dovey and Constance Fleuriot: Towards a Language of Mobile Media
Beryl Graham: Snapshots from Curating Mobility
Understanding Public Spatialisation
Martin Rieser: Beyond Mapping: New Strategies for Meaning in Locative Artwo=
Anke Jacob: Digital Media and Architecture-An Observation
Mirjam Struppek: Urban Screens as the Visualization Zone of the City's Invi=
sible Communication Sphere
The Creative User
Debbi Lander: Future Physical: The Creative User and theme of response-ABIL=
Andrea Zapp: 'A Fracture in Reality': Networked Narratives as Imaginary Fie=
lds of Action and Dislocation
Section 3: Case Studies
Locative Art
Josephine Reid and Richard Hull: What Makes Mediascapes Compelling?
Valentina Nisi, Glorianna Davenport/Valentina Nisi, Mads Haahr and Gloriann=
a Davenport: Hopstory/Media Tales of the Liberties
Drew Hemment, John Evans, Mika Raento and Theo Humphries: Loca: 'Location O=
riented Critical Arts'
Usman Haque: Invisible Topographies
Jonah Brucker-Cohen: Wifi-Hog: The Battle for Ownership in Public Wireless =
The Creative User: The User as Co-creator
Paul Sermon: Puppeteers, Performers or Avatars: A Perceptual Difference in =
Telematic Space
Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau: Mobile Feelings: Wireless Communic=
ation of Heartbeat and Breath for Mobile Art
Victoria Fang: The Living Room
Arianna Bassoli: tunA and the Power of Proximity
Margot Jacobs: Engagement with the Everyday
Cati Vaucelle: Between Improvisation and Publication: Supporting the Creati=
ve Metamorphosis with Technology
Anthony Rowe: Developing Creative Audience Interaction: Four Projects by Sq=
Wearable Computing
Lisa Stead, Petar Goulev, Caroline Evans and Ebrahim Mamdani: The Emotional=
Katherine Moriwaki: Social Fashioning and Active Conduits
Laura Beloff: Wunderkammer: Wearables as an Artistic Strategy
Section 4: Artist Interviews
Fiona Raby: Flirt and Mset
Teri Rueb: Trace, The Choreography of Everyday Movement and Drift
Matt Adams: Blast Theory
Steve Benford: Mixed Reality Lab
Drew Hemment: The Politics of Mobility
Joey Berzowska: Memory-Rich Garments and Social Interaction
Annie Lovejoy: Heart on Your Sleeve
Contributor Biographies
Selected Bibliography
*Please note that this offer is not valid in combination with any other off=

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