Archive for May 2011

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[ecrea] Call for Papers - Media Accountability -- Strategies, Trends, Benchmarks

Mon May 23 14:26:44 GMT 2011

*Call for Papers: Medien Journal. **Zeitschrift für Kommunikationskultur *

*Vierteljahreszeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für *

*Kommunikationswissenschaft (ÖGK) Heft 1/2012 *

* *

*Media Accountability -- Strategies, Trends, Benchmarks *

This issue of the Medien Journal, the double-blind, peer-reviewed quarterly journal of the Austrian Communication Association (ÖGK), should be published on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the reestablishment of the Austrian Press Council and focuses on Media Accountability.

Yellow press papers invading the privacy of crime victims, TV society shows each detail of a celebrity's life, blogs insulting politicians for personal reasons, cost cuts and staff reduction which seem to water down ethical standards in journalism -- these are just some issues our media environment currently presents. How can - in an environment like this - traditional media accountability institutions like press councils deal with these problems? Are there other, better ways to keep media outlets accountable? What about the situation in countries where there is no press council? Is a tight legal framework the only solution? How can we balance media freedom and media accountability? May the new online technologies (facebook, twitter, wikis...) become a new way of encouraging citizens to participate in media accountability processes? And how to deal with content published by "normal" citizens? These questions are in the centre of the ongoing debate on limitations and possibilities for media accountability in modern democracies. This issue of the Medien Journal wants to contribute to this debate from the viewpoint of communication sciences. We encourage submissions covering the wide field of media accountability practices and institutions. Papers might show benchmarks or best practice examples on all levels of journalism, be it the journalists themselves, media companies or successful practices/institutions covering the whole media system, including emerging online tools, encouraging journalist as well as citizens to keep media accountable.

Topics may include:

· Media accountability systems focussing on the media itself (press councils, media councils etc.)

· Media accountability systems practices within media companies trying to obligate journalists to high ethical/ high quality standards (ombudsperson, media audits, etc.)

· New, innovative online practices using the developments of web 2.0 technologies (watchblogs, twitter etc.)

· Practices enabling citizens or other underrepresented stakeholders to participate in the process of ethical reflecting and evaluate media coverage

· European or transnational perspectives on media accountability systems

· Legal frameworks and questions of (co-) regulation

Criteria for submissions:

· Manuscripts submitted to Medien Journal should not be published elsewhere until the peer-review process is finished.

· original texts only (not published elsewhere)

· Papers are supposed to range between 3000 and 4.500 words (approx. 10 -12 pages)

· Submissions must contain an lines abstract (10 lines) and a short biographical note for each author (max. 3 lines)

· Texts can be submitted in English or German language. The formal criteria for the submission in English must follow APA style guides (see German texts must follow the citation guidelines published under (,815605&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL)

· Deadline for submissions: 01.11.2011

Please send submissions to Mag. Klaus Bichler- Medienhaus Wien- Research Coordinator Austria MediaAct (www. Mediaact.Eu) (klaus.bichler /at/

Prof. DDr. Matthias Karmasin, Mag. Klaus Bichler, Editors

Ass. Prof. Dr. Thomas Steinmaurer

  Fachbereich Kommunikations-
  Abteilung Kommunikationstheorien
  und Mediensysteme

  Vorsitzender der Österreichischen Gesellschaft
  für Kommunikationswissenschaft (ÖGK)

  Universität Salzburg
  Fachbereich Kommunikationswissenschaft
  Rudolfskai 42
  5020 Salzburg
  Tel +43 662 8044 4164
  Fax +43 662 6389 4164 <> <>

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