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[ecrea] European Union, Joint Mobility Project - Request for Partners

Wed Aug 11 14:12:00 GMT 2010

>European Union, Joint Mobility Project - Request for Partners
>Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication Media
>( are  assembling a consortium of Higher Education
>Media and communication departments to apply for a Joint Mobility
>project to exchange students, staff, and knowledge. To this end
>Ravensbourne is seeking partners for a funding bid for a Joint
>Mobility Project. We will need a commitment of interest as soon as
>possible in order to progress the bid in order to meet the submission
>deadline (6 September, 2010).
>The group of partners must include
>* At least three Higher Education and/or training institutions from
>three different EU Member States
>* At least two or three institutions from the Republic of Korea.
>The project will focus on the structured exchanges of students and
>development of joint or shared curricula. This will take the form of
>(for example) combining existing modules, developing innovative
>curricula, applying new teaching methods, collaborative study
>programmes, and structured exchanges of faculty members. The partners
>will provide a framework for the outgoing and incoming mobility of
>students, trainees and faculty members.
>Joint Mobility projects are funded for three years. The EU and its
>Partner Countries recognise the importance of academic co-operation
>and exchanges as a means to promote mutual understanding, innovation
>and quality of education. In this respect, they have expressed
>interest in Ravensbourne=92s initiative to assemble partners in order to
>create an EU centre within Korean universities and the commencement of
>EU-Korea pilot projects for higher education.
>Specific proposal objectives:
>* To promote a deeper and more hands-on understanding of the different
>models for media production and distribution across Europe and North
>* Introduce students and staff from five/six Higher Education
>Institutions to current and emergent working practices, processes, and
>technologies across European and Asian media industries.
>* Better prepare students for work in an international context
>* Focus on undergraduate study
>The overall objectives of the scheme:
>* To support co-operation between higher education and training
>institutions with a view to promoting joint study programmes and
>* To enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of the EU and
>the Partner Countries including broader knowledge of their languages,
>cultures and institutions.
>* To enhance the quality of higher education and training by
>stimulating balanced partnerships between higher education and
>training institutions in Europe and in the Partner Countries.
>To indicate your interest in the scheme email: Barbara Howell, Head of
>the Faculty of Communication Media, Ravensbourne ((b.howell /at/
>and CC into the email Carole Mallett, Administrator, Faculty of
>Communication Media, Ravensbourne ((carole.mallett /at/
>Best wishes,
>Dr Lizzie Jackson,
>Deputy Head of the Faculty of Communication Media,
>M: [ removed ]
<(lizzie.jackson /at/>

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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Office: 5B.401a
New Book:
Trans-Reality Television
The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience.
Lexington. (Sofie Van Bauwel & Nico Carpentier eds.)^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739131885
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