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[ecrea] Ebook - Transforming Culture in the Digital Age - available online

Fri Apr 16 11:58:58 GMT 2010

Transforming Culture in the Digital Age
Editors: Agnes Aljas, Raivo Kelomees, Marin Laak, 
Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Tiina Randviir, 
Pille Runnel, Maarja Savan, Jaak Tomberg, Piret Viires
Published by Estonian National Museum, Estonian 
Literary Museum, University of Tartu
ISBN 978-9949-417-59-9


The increasing digitalisation is posing many 
different challenges related to a series of 
cultural transformations: technical, 
organisational, practice related and mental. In 
the current collection of articles, the focus of 
the transformations is on the intersections of 
individuals and institutions, and users and 
producers of culture. Many authors indicate that 
the roles of the user and the producer are 
becoming more intertwined and that it is becoming 
increasingly difficult to separate one from the 
other. This has also affected the cultural and 
heritage institutions as their role in the 
society is under consideration. In this 
collection of papers, a number of texts look 
critically at the hypothetical intermingling of 
processes and attempt to analyse to what extent 
hopes are being realised. The collection also 
looks at the active role of the heritage 
institutions in creating new digital 
environments, where the different users are often 
taken into consideration, in many different ways. 
In addition, many texts here analyse the changes 
that have occurred in cultural practices  the 
emergence of new forms in art and literature, the 
changes in the role of authorship, the broadening 
concepts of literature and art. The book is a 
collection of 56 articles that represent the 
diversity and intellectual efforts of a three-day 
conference which took place in Tartu 14-16 April, 
2010. The initial call of the conference invited 
professionals of different heritage institutions 
 museums, libraries and archives, working 
artists, educators and academicians researching 
the subjects of cultural transformation from 
across the disciplines. The interdisciplinary 
nature of the conference and the diversity of the 
field is well reflected in the variety of the 
papers in this volume. We have divided the book 
in five large sections  Changing users, 
Transforming heritage, Digital literature and 
Digital art. Each of these sections represents a 
larger theme from the conference where 
practitioners and academics met and discussed the 
consequences of digitalisation. The questions 
posed in the different book chapters look at the 
identity and practices of the individual, 
challenges to the institutions and their 
responses to these challenges. There are number 
of case studies presented both by academics and 
people who work at the different heritage 
institutions, which look at the different 
initiatives that institutions are taking to 
respond to the cultural transformation processes 
and to the changes in the heritage practice.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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