Archive for June 2010

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[ecrea] CFP: The Big Screen vs. The Small Screen (Feb 16 2011 conference; Oct 1 2010 deadline)

Fri Jun 18 13:54:23 GMT 2010

>The Big Screen vs. The Small Screen
>A one-day conference exploring the competing 
>cultures and contexts of cinema and television in a changing media environment
>Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of Media), UK
>February 16, 2011
>Confirmed key speakers:
>Professor Charlotte Brunsdon (University of Warwick)
>Professor Mark Jancovich (University of East Anglia)
>Dr. Karen Lury (University of Glasgow)
>Distinguishing between big screen and small 
>screen, cinema and television, Pauline Kael once 
>wrote that cinema audiences â¬Swant the theatre 
>screen to do what the television screen canâ¬"t 
>do: overpower them⬝ (1965). Nearly fifty years 
>later, do such expectations and experiences hold 
>true? Is cinema (from IMAX to â¬Shome cinema⬝) 
>able to â¬Soverpower⬝ us in a way that 
>television cannot? Is it television (a â¬Sgolden 
>age⬝?), as opposed to cinema, that exists at 
>the vanguard of experimentation? By what routes, 
>and with what consequences, has recent 
>television been adapted for cinema, and vice 
>versa? In relation to new technology and related 
>institutional shifts, how are cultures of 
>production and consumption changing? Ultimately, 
>how relevant are distinctions between â¬Sbig 
>screen⬝ and â¬Ssmall screen⬝ in an era of increasing convergence?
>This international conference seeks to address 
>these and other questions ­ we are seeking 
>proposals for 20-minute presentations.
>Topics for consideration might include (but are not limited to):
>* medium specificity then and now ­ re-assessing 
>the cinema/televvision debate
>* gazes, glances (and 3D glasses!) ­ cinema and television spectaatorship
>* the â¬Scinematic experience⬝ and â¬Shome 
>viewing⬝ ­ changing patterns of consumption
>* generational shifts ­ cinema, television, and youth culture
>* cross-media influence and intertextuality ­ 
>the migration of geenres, styles, and aesthetics 
>from cinema to television and vice versa
>* from small screen to big screen and back again 
>­ contemporary aadaptations, remakes, and spin-offs
>* networks and studios ­ industrial and 
>institutional relations aand integration
>* pantheon directors ­ applying models of film 
>authorship to conttemporary television
>* from IMAX to iPod ­ ever bigger and ever smaller screens
>* technology and convergence ­ the 
>â¬Sdeath(s)⬝ of  cinema and television as discrete media
>Abstracts, of approximately 200 words (including 
>a short biographical note), should be sent by 
>email to (shane.blackman /at/ and 
>(andrew.utterson /at/ by 1st October 2010 at the latest.
>Please include your name, affiliation (where 
>appropriate), home and office telephone numbers, 
>and postal and email addresses with your proposal.
>Please include any A/V requirements with your submission.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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