Archive for June 2010

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[ecrea] Punk & Post Punk

Fri Jun 18 13:52:21 GMT 2010

>Punk & Post Punk
>Editors: Philip Kiszely 
>(<(P.Kiszely /at/>(P.Kiszely /at/ 
>and Alex Ogg (<(alex.ogg90 /at/ ntlworld.htm)>(alex.ogg90 /at/
>Punk & Post-Punk is a new peer-reviewed journal 
>from Intellect serving the international 
>academic, industry and journalistic communities 
>engaged with punk and post-punk culture. It 
>explores the concepts of alternative and 
>independent established during the punk 
>explosion and developed through the ensuing 
>post-punk era. Punk remains among the most 
>significant and influential popular culture 
>phenomena of the last forty years. Complementing 
>the journals historical focus, therefore, is a 
>prominent contemporary aspect. This considers 
>how punk and post-punks ethos and aesthetic are 
>absorbed into the present and projected into the future.
>Article submissions
>We invite students of the punk and post-punk 
>eras, as well as those from related disciplines 
>into which punks influence has fed  including 
>researchers, teachers and practitioners  to 
>contribute to the first issue of Punk & 
>Post-Punk. We welcome papers exploring punks 
>impact on the wider culture beyond music, 
>including the arts, language, iconography, sociology and gender and race
>issues. We particularly encourage papers 
>discussing regional and international 
>differentiation and contribution. Similarly, 
>each issue will aim to feature at least one 
>paper in which relevant visual imagery will be a 
>major component. Articles should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length.
>Topics may include (but are not limited to):
>" Etymology and Language
>" Genre Definition and Development
>" Antecedents and proto-punk influences
>" Methodologies and theories appropriate for research and study in this field
>" Industrial structures and practices in relation to production
>" Gender, class and race issues
>" Comparative study between nations or regions, cultures and industries
>" Associated cultural industries including fanzines and fashion
>" Performance of Style
>" Concepts of Independence
>" Modernist and Post-Modernist influence
>" Global impact and Inclusion
>" Performance authenticity
>" Archival Approaches
>Potential contributors should send a 200-word 
>abstract to co-editor Dr Philip Kiszely 
>(<(P.Kiszely /at/>(P.Kiszely /at/ 
>at. A prompt response will assess eligibility 
>for inclusion and provide writers guidelines. 
>The deadline for submitting completed articles 
>for peer-review is 31 December 2010.
>Punk & Post-Punk will be officially launched at 
>the University of Leeds in September 2011.
>Request a copy of Intellect's 2011 Journals 
><(marketing /at/ intellectbooks.htm)>(marketing /at/ 
>/ Become a fan of Intellect on Facebook: 

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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