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[ecrea] Affective Fabrics of Digital Cultures: early bird registration ends tomorrow (15 April)
Wed Apr 14 21:01:56 GMT 2010
>Affective fabrics of digital cultures: feelings, technologies, politics.
>3-4 June 2010, University Place, The University of Manchester
>For further information and to register, please
>visit the conference
>Plenary speakers: Una Chung (Sarah Lawrence
>College); Patricia Clough (Queens College,
>CUNY); Anne-Marie Fortier (Lancaster
>University); Melissa Gregg (The University of
>Sydney); Athina Karatzogianni (The University of Hull)
>This two-day international conference brings
>into creative tension two fields that are
>receiving growing scholarly attention: cultural
>studies of affect, public feelings and the
>politics of emotion, on the one hand, and
>scholarship on digital culture, new media and
>information-communication technologies, on the
>other. The conference aims to create a space for
>intellectual dialogue between the two fields by
>examining the relations between technologies,
>and in particular, new digital technologies
>the Internet, digital cinema and photography,
>mobile ccommunication, CCTVs, computer games
>and affective politics. BBringing together
>contributions from the fields of sociology,
>media and cultural studies, arts, politics and
>science and technology studies, the conference
>will engage with the following questions: How
>does affect work in on-line networks and digital
>assemblages? What are the affective regimes of
>on-line sociality? What kind of perceptions,
>sensations, affective movements and public
>feelings emerge in our highly mediated and
>digitalised environments? What is the cybertouch
>of war, violence, terror? What are the
>structures of feeling that operate in the
>digitalised everyday and computerised ordinary?
>How can we theorise psycho-political formations
>of nation, race, empire, population and
>generation in the age of digital reproduction,
>mediated visions and globalised communication
>technologies? How do digital cultures shape our
>political horizons of fear, anxiety, mourning, hate, hope?
>Early Bird Registration Fee before 15th April: Waged: £60/ Unwaged: £35
>Full Conference Registration Fee after 15th
>April: Waged: £80/ Unwaged: £45
>Registration fee covers refreshments, lunch and wine reception.
>Final deadline for registration is 15th May
>To register, please visit the conference
>For further information, please
>contact Caitriona Devery at caitriona.devery [@] manchester.ac.uk
>Dr. Adi Kuntsman
>Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
>Research Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures
>The University of Manchester
>Second Floor, Arthur Lewis Building, room 2.007
>Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
Web: http://www.ecrea.eu
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/ vub.ac.be)
Web: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~ncarpent/
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