Archive for July 2008

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[no subject]

Mon Jan 02 00:20:35 GMT 2023

[Keynote speeches]
- "Future Outlook on Mobile and Ubiquitous Services"
 by Dr. Takeshi Mizuike, the Vice President and Chief Executive  =
Director at KDDI R&D Laboratories
- "How Changes Information Technology"
 by Mr. Adam Gross, Vice President of Platform and Developer  Marketing =
- "SOUNDS FROM UTOPIA: Critical Issues of the Web 2.0 Perspective in  =
the Network Society"
 by Prof. Dr. Jan A.G.M. van Dijk at University of Twente

[Panel sessions]
- "How P2P technology drives e-Society"
 Chair: Dr. Tadao Saito, Prof. Emeritus of the University of Tokyo
 Panelist: Mr. Y. Taniwaki (Ministry of Internal Affairs and  =
Communications of Japan), Mr. H. Tan (Skype Technologies),  Mr. M. Volpi =
(Joost), Prof. T. Asami (the University of Tokyo)
- "RFID can create Ubiquitous Network Society?"
 Chair: Prof. Shiro Sakata (Chiba University)
 Panelist: Prof. N. Koshizuka (the University of Tokyo),  Mr. H. Tagato =
(NEC), Mr. N. Hayashi (Sony), Mr. D. Kimball  (United States Department =
of Defense)


The conference venue is the National Center of Sciences in central =
Tokyo, one of the world?fs largest cities of high technology, commerce, =
culture, and fashion. The Center is in front of the Emperor's Palace and =
within 30 minutes of almost all of the highlights of Tokyo, including =
Akihabara electric town, Tsukiji fish market, the Shogun's garden, and =
the National Museum.


Registration to I3E 2008 is possible through the conference Web site:
Registration before August 7th will be discounted.

                         CONFERENCE WEBSITE

For further information, please visit our Web site at = or e-mail (info /at/


                        Organizing Committee

                      Honorary General Chair:
    Tadao Saito, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo,
              Toyota InfoTechnology Center Co., Japan
                           General Chair:
           Ryoichi Sasaki, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
                             PC Chair:
         Makoto Oya, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan
                           PC Vice Chair:
          Ryuya Uda, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
                   Local Steering Committee Chair:
                 Motohisa Funabashi, Hitachi, Japan
                 Local Steering Committee co-Chair:
          Terutoshi Sano, The Association for Promotion of
                  Public Local Information, Japan
                Local Steering Committee Vice Chair:
                Ken Kobayashi, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
                           Finance Chair:
           Hiroshi Yajima, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
                         Finance co-Chair:
         Shigehisa Honma, The Association for Promotion of
                  Public Local Information, Japan
                     Local Arrangements Chair:
       Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
                   Local Arrangements Vice Chair:
                Soichi Furuya, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
                         Publication Chair:
            Chizuko Yasunobu, Hitachi Consulting, Japan
                       Publication Vice Chairs:
      Katsunari Yoshioka, Yokohama National University, Japan
       Nakazato Junji, National Institute of Information and
                  Communications Technology, Japan
                          Publicity Chair:
   Hiroshi Yoshiura, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
                            Panel Chair:
               Shiro Sakata, Chiba University, Japan
                      Orgnized Session Chair:
            Osamu Sudoh, the University of Tokyo, Japan
     Toyoyuki Kobayashi, NTT Communications Corporation, Japan
              Hirokazu Konishi, NEC Corporation, Japan
      Yuichi Matsushima, National Institute of Information and
                  Communications Technology, Japan Masahiko Narita, =
Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
                Local Steering Committee Secretary:
              Kunihiko Miyazaki, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan

                           Liaison Chairs
      Wojciech Cellary, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
                Volker Tschammer, FhG FOKUS, Germany
                           North America:
  Narcyz Roztocki, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
                           South America:
      Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, University of Campinas, Brazil
     Wee Keong Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

                         Steering Committee
      Wojciech Cellary, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
        Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
          Reima Suomi, Turku School of Economics, Finland


I3E2008 will be held in cooperation with Ministry of Internal Affairs =
and Communications of Japan and it is partly supported by National =
Institute of Information and Communications Technology.

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