Archive for July 2004

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[eccr] Call for Papers IJCP - Special Issue on 'White Terror/(Post)Empire'

Sun Jul 11 18:25:00 GMT 2004

>International Journal of Critical Psychology<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns 
>= "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
>Special issue: White Terror/(Post)Empire
>Guest editors: Lorraine Johnson-Riordan (University of South Australia) 
>and Damien W. Riggs (University of Adelaide)
>In this age of (post)Empire and the decline of Western modernity, new 
>(old) questions are surfacing around identity, subjectivity and 
>transformative movements for peace (anti-war movements) and reconciliation 
>in multiple inter-national locations (from Australia to Europe to North 
>America to Israel and Palestine and the Middle East). Claims are made for 
>one world and one nation, one global time and space but what may 
>appear to be an emerging global racelessness would instead appear to be 
>a fusion fantasy masking new forms of racialised violence, nationally and 
>internationally, indeed, a resurgence of white terror. The reconciliation 
>of primitive peoples to Modern Man (in the case of Australia, for 
>instance) is said to be  a fait accompli, and the postcolonial movement is 
>deemed over by conservative Governments. Whilst there are ongoing 
>attempts to assimilate Indigenous peoples into white nations, Middle 
>Eastern asylum seekers (the new others of the white nation) are either 
>forcibly kept outside its borders or detained behind barbed wire fences 
>within. Meanwhile, nightly television images show Muslim girls being 
>refused entry to schools in France in the name of secularism, and Iraqi 
>prisoners dehumanized in the name of a war against terrorism, homeland 
>security, justice, freedom and democracy. In multiple acts of racialised 
>state and public violence, in acts of refusal, denial and resistance, in 
>discourses of racelessness, sameness and assimilation, in hyper/formances 
>of white raced masculinities and femininities in the service of white 
>nationalism, the reassertion of white hegemony over others who represent 
>the East is carried out with renewed intensity.
>This special issue invites a range of papers which address the 
>implications of these current manifestations of white terror - both for 
>critical psychology, and within society more broadly - and their relation 
>to discourses of (post)empire. Papers could address (but are not limited to):
>·         The condition/position of asylum seekers in multiple contexts 
>and/or dominant white perceptions of/discourses relating to asylum seekers;
>    * Story telling, the politics of representation and the 
> empowerment/healing of Indigenous peoples, with a focus on who determines 
> what counts within these categories;
>    * The resurgence of white racism in Europe;
>    * Racial/sexual violence against Eastern others (eg Iraq, France);
>    * Neo-nationalism, white violence and their relation to white 
> masculinities and femininities (e.g., 100% White, a film produced by 
> Channel 4, UK);
>    * Processes of working through in the reconciliation of the 
> colonised and colonisers both in former colonies and sites of Empire;
>    * Critical psychology and new possibilities for critical studies of 
> whiteness.
>Abstracts/proposals/enquiries should be sent to 
><mailto:(damien.riggs /at/>(damien.riggs /at/
>Papers due March 30th 2005
>Finalised papers due to editors September 2005
>Publication date: February 2006
>Obviously we welcome papers submitted earlier than these dates, so as to 
>facilitate the referee process and to ensure timely publication.

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
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Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
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T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
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European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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