Archive for June 2004

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[eccr] Conference Foucault, Paris, January 2005, Call for papers

Sun Jun 20 15:59:17 GMT 2004

>In the context of a conference organised by the A.F.S.P. (Association
>Française de Science Politique ­ French Political Science Association), the
>C.I.R. (Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche comparative en sciences
>sociales ­ Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social
>Sciences) and the University of Paris IX ­ Dauphine,
>Pascale LABORIER (C.U.R.A.P.P.),
>Pierre LASCOUMES (C.E.V.I.P.O.F.),
>Jean LECA (Président de l¹A.F.S.P.),
>Sylvain MEYET (Sciences po, C.E.V.I.P.O.F.),
>Marie-Cécile NAVES (C.I.R., CREDEP) et
>Call for Papers
>On the theme:
>Politics in the Wake of Foucault
>What is the usefulness of Michel Foucault¹s tools to analyse politics?
>Twenty years after Michel Foucault¹s death, his work, both in France and
>abroad, continues to inspire research on politics. Political scientists
>engaged in disciplines such as political theory, comparative political
>science, international relations and political sociology ­ especially around
>the notion of governmentality ­ have all elaborated analyses that owe much
>to Foucault. Other social sciences like sociology, anthropology, and history
>have made use of his work to shape their visions of politics.
>Trans-disciplinary fields of study ­ such as gender studies or reflections
>on the body ­ have also been impacted by the work of Foucault.
>Concurrently, and occasionally in relation with academic usages of Foucault,
>social activists have drawn inspiration from his life and work, which has
>furnished them with reference points and political strategies as praxis for
>action and reflection. These activist appropriations of Foucault are
>diverse, ranging from anti-capitalist critiques to other forms of social
>reformism, and encompassing a broad spectrum of perspectives, from the
>direct or implied affiliation with Foucault¹s intellectual lineage, to the
>critical, reactionary or hybrid.
>     This conference does not aspire to present or re-present the spectrum of
>existing or potential usages of Foucault. We do not endeavour to propose a
>full comprehension of the destiny of Foucault¹s work nor its legacy.
>However, it being fifty years since the first, and twenty years since the
>last analysis performed by Michel Foucault, we feel it pertinent to examine
>the nature and scope of the collusion of his work with the present day.
>As academics, what have we learned from the work of Foucault? What have been
>the directions in which the RFoucaultian¹ approach has evolved? What are the
>debates on which the legacy of Foucault has weighed, and what are the
>questions to which it has given rise ? Has the work of Foucault opened up
>new perspectives or new fields of investigation? How is it situated within
>various disciplines? How can we use the work of Foucault today?
>As activists, what have Foucault-inspired groups accomplished? In what ways
>have activist practices and strategies been altered through contact with the
>work of Foucault? Has it given rise to new perspectives? What is the
>positioning of these groups in relation to the activist landscape as a
>whole? What value can usages of Foucault have today?
>We are not proposing to collect doctrinal definitions of Rgood¹ or Rbad¹
>usages of Foucault according to their conformity with his work. We are
>suggesting that we retrace together the path that these usages have taken in
>order to engage a debate on the fruit they have borne. We propose the
>composition of a ³state of the art² of the uses of the oeuvre of Foucault in
>order that we may better understand its present compass.
>As a result, submission abstracts dealing with the following themes will
>receive special attention. Nevertheless, any kind of submission will be
>fully taken into consideration.
>- The way Foucauldian works were introduced into the social sciences.
>- Gouvernmentality and governance.
>- Government, Right, State.
>- To govern: the non-statist apparels.
>- Discipline, Norm, Law, Obedience.
>- Bodies, biopower, biopolitic.
>- Political theory and history of ideas.
>- International relations.
>- Understanding activists¹ uses.
>The conference will take place on January 7th and 8th, 2005,
>at Sciences po and at the C.I.R (Paris).
>Steering Committee:  Pascale LABORIER (C.U.R.A.P.P.), Pierre LASCOUMES
>(C.E.V.I.P.O.F.), Jean LECA (President of the A.F.S.P.), Sylvain MEYET
>(Sciences po, C.E.V.I.P.O.F.), Marie-Cécile NAVES (C.I.R., C.R.E.D.E.P.) and
>Thomas RIBEMONT (C.I.R., C.R.E.D.E.P.).
>Scientific board: John CROWLEY (U.N.E.S.C.O., C.I.R.), Yves DELOYE (I.E.P.
>Strasbourg), Jean-Marie DONEGANI (C.E.V.I.P.O.F.), Eric FASSIN (E.N.S.),
>Brigitte GAITI (University of Paris IX), Frédéric GROS (University of Paris
>XII), Pascale LABORIER (C.U.R.A.P.P.), Pierre LASCOUMES (C.E.V.I.P.O.F.),
>Jean LECA (President of the A.F.S.P.), Daniel MOUCHARD (University of
>Poitiers, C.I.R., C.R.P.S.), Gérard NOIRIEL (E.H.E.S.S.).
>& Proposals may cover all aspects of academic and activist uses of Michel
>Foucault¹s works dealing with politics. Yet, those which tackle one of the
>themes above will be favoured. Moreover, proposals should be original and
>have never been published before. As the best papers are bound to be
>published in a collective book, we ask authors not to propose their paper
>for publication before the conference.
>& Proposals must be of 500 words at most; authors¹ names,  addresses and
>academic affiliations are requested.
>& All proposals will be carefully examined by the scientific board, which
>will debate on their relevance and quality.
>& Proposals must be sent before August 1st, 2004 to the following address :
>(sylvain.meyet /at/
>& If accepted, texts of communications must be sent before December 10th,

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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