Archive for June 2004

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[eccr] [jc2m] Issue 2

Mon Jun 07 19:15:38 GMT 2004

>*****with apologies for cross posting*****
>Issue 2 of [jc2m] journal from crime, conflict and the media is now 
>online. Available at <>
>[jc2m] is an independent, non-profit making, free to view e-journal which 
>seeks to publish international research concerned with representations of, 
>and inter-relations between, crime and conflict in mass media and popular 
>culture. It disseminates,as widely as possible, high quality, 
>inter-disciplinary work through the Internet. The journal is aimed at 
>international academics and practitioners in the fields of, amongst 
>others, criminology, cultural studies, journalism, law, mass media & 
>communication and sociology. [jc2m] is a rigorously peer-reviewed journal 
>with the ISSN number 1741-1580, as registered with the British Library.
>[jc2m] is organising 'The Error in 'Terrorism'? Political Violence and the 
>Media. A two-day conference on 11th and 12th November 2004.  Details 
>available at 
>In engaging critically with this important and pressing discourse, the 
>conference aims to move beyond academic debate, and features a number of 
>ex and current political activists and media practitioners.
>Prof. Ted Honderich. Author - After The Terror (2002), Terrorism for 
>Humanity (2003)
>David Miller, Stirling Media Research Institute
>Dr Rogelio Alonso, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid
>Kevin Bean, University of Liverpool
>Birnberg, Peirce and Partners Solicitors, London
>George Eykyn, former BBC News, Government and Public Sector consultant - 
>Dr Ghada Karmi, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter
>Prof. Justin Lewis, University of Cardiff
>Jake Lynch, BBC News, Co-Director - Reporting The World
>Dr Anthony McIntyre, ex PIRA, Queens University, Belfast
>Tommy McKearney, ex PIRA, hunger striker, EXPAC
>Billy Mitchell, ex UVF, LINC coordinator
>Dr Feilim O hAdmaill, University of Ulster, activist - Free Palestine 
>Ruairi O'Driscoll - arrested and released under the Terrorism Act 2000
>Brendan O'Neill, Assistant Editor, spiked
>Mary Riddell, The Observer
>Jon Silverman, Freelance Home Affairs Analyst
>Enver Solomon, ex BBC Home Affairs, Policy Officer-Prison Reform Trust
>Dr Karin von Hippel, Centre for Defence Studies, King's College London
>Prof. PAJ Waddington, University of Reading, Police Review
>Dr Maggie Wykes, University of Sheffield
>best wishes
>Paul Mason
>Editor, [jc2m]

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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