Archive for September 2003

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[eccr] Fwd: Call for papers - Gender & ICT Symposium

Thu Sep 11 08:48:18 GMT 2003

>Symposium Gender & ICT: Strategies of Inclusion
>Research on the inter-relations between Gender and Information &
>Communication Technologies is  dynamic, multidisciplinary, engaging and
>In January 2003 the symposium 'Gender and ICT: Where are we at' was held in
>Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We aim to pursue  the  discussions begun there
>and therefore we are pleased to announce the symposium entitled:
>Gender & ICT: Strategies of Inclusion
>This symposium aims to be a meeting point for researchers from different
>disciplines and research schools that are familiar with ICT  and gender
>studies, women's studies or feminist studies.
>The symposium will be held in Brussels on 20 January 2004.
>We invite abstracts on the following themes :
>- Women, Work and Computerization
>- Gendered Relations towards ICT in Daily Life
>- Gender issues in ICT at School and Informatics Education
>- Gendering Technology: Structure and Design
>Examples of possible paper sections in the different themes:
>Women, Work and Computerization
>Job profiles and the influence of ICT, the impact of ICT skills in the job
>function classifications, influence of ICT on work organisation,
>computerization of work and surveillance, portrayal of ICT (functions),  etc.
>Gendered Relations towards ICT in Daily Life
>Possession and use of ICT, domestication, ICT-literacy, user and skill
>divide, consequences of use of ICT in the organisation of daily work and
>private life, ICT and family life, privacy and ethics, wearables and
>biometrics, on-line activities, interaction, Participation and 
>democracy,  etc.
>Gender issues in ICT at School and Informatics Education
>Gender differences in ICT-use in school contexts
>Computer attitudes, learning styles, informatics curriculum, e-learning,
>feminist pedagogies, ICT and lifelong learning, etc.
>Gendering Technology: Structure and Design
>Women designing and shaping contents and systems of the new technologies,
>social shaping of technology, production of ICT, feminist critiques of
>computing, gender scripts of technology, participatory design,
>user-friendlessness, adaptivity, etc.
>The deadline for abstracts (max. 500 words) is November 15.
>The final programme will be available by December 15.
>The working language of the symposium will be English.
>Abstracts may be submitted to: Laurence Claeys or Sarah Meersman at:
>   (steunpuntgeka /at/
>Programme Committee: Els Rommes, Sally Wyatt, Anne-Catherine Devolder,
>Magda Michielsens and Laurence Claeys.
>The symposium is a joint initiative of the Policy Research Centre on Equal
>Opportunities (Belgium) and the European SIGIS (Strategies of Inclusion:
>Gender in the Information Society) network. It is part of Digitales and is
>supported by the. Dutch Association for Gender and Technology (The
>Netherlands). During the symposium, members of SIGIS will present their
>final research reports.
>Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities :
>(website only in Dutch)
>Dutch Gender and Technology Association:
>SIGIS (Strategies of  Inclusion: Gender in the Information Society):
>Website of the conference:
>[still under construction].

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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