Archive for jobs, 2024

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[Commlist] Postdoc Position 2 years: "Contagious Digitalities" Leiden University

Fri Jul 26 09:51:09 GMT 2024

Link to the vacancy page:

Application Deadline : 30 September 2024 (via Leiden University website)

Project Description : Contagious Digitalities: Information, Inoculation, Immunity

This project examines the relationship between metaphors of contagion, spread, inoculation, and immunity in connection to problems of risk, information, data and the digital. The intent is to make visible a politics of inoculation that remains hidden from sight. A politics that is concerned with calculating, predicting, and managing the risk of contagion through the enforcement of inoculative policies first registered in Michel Foucault’s lectures on security, territory, and population, and aimed at the immunization of networks of control and information against noise, disruption, and breakdowns in communication (e.g. Deleuze, Serres, Mitropoulos).

As a result of COVID-19, recent years have seen an increase in theoretical, literary, and artistic work around issues of disease and vaccination. There, contagion, immunity, and inoculation are often understood in their biomedical inflection. This project investigates how inoculation operates not only in relation to the body, however, but proliferates outwards to the internet, the digital, and the operation of networks and protocols as diagrams of power (e.g. Guattari, Thacker).

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who is interested in doing theoretically inflected and politically urgent work on the intersection between digital culture and viral metaphors. The successful applicant must have a background in Cultural Analysis and/or Media Studies and is interested in the politics of the digital and bio- and necropolitical questions around immunity and inoculation. The successful candidate will study digital culture and metaphors of contagion through close readings of literature, art and other cultural objects. As part of their application, the candidate is asked to write a brief justification for the inclusion of a case study that they would like to work on as part of this project. The successful applicant will be given the chance to structure and further develop this project according to their own research interests.

For more information please consult:

Latest publication:

/“/Data that should not have been given: noise and immunity in James Newitt’s /HAVEN/” - <>

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