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[ecrea] Call for expressions of interest for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship applications - Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University

Fri May 06 20:02:34 GMT 2016

Call for expressions of interest for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship applications

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie action has a long tradition of facilitating European research exchanges. Amongst others, the action awards "individual, trans-national fellowships [...] to the best or most promising researchers for employment in EU Member States or Associated Countries, based on an application made jointly by the researcher and host organisation in the academic or non-academic sectors," as can be read on the European Commission's Marie Sklodowska-Curie website.

We want to call for expressions of interest from experienced researchers to apply for an Individual Fellowship (IF) within the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie action, to be hosted within the Media and Communication Studies (MCS) Unit of the Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University (Sweden).

More specifically, we want to call for candidates who wish to work within the field of post-structuralist media studies.

The following conditions of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie action need to be taken into account: * Within the action, "experienced researchers" are defined as people who, at the deadline for the submission of proposals, are in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience.
* The researcher may be of any nationality.
* The researcher shall not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Sweden for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.
* The researcher must move or have moved from any country to Sweden.
* The duration of an Individual Fellowship is between 12 and 24 months.
* Financial support for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship consists out of a living allowance, mobility allowance and family allowance.

More information can be found at the webpage of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie call (see below).

Expressions of interest should be communicated to Prof. Dr. Nico Carpentier at <(nico.carpentier /at/>, before 1 July 2016, at 17:00 CET.

An expression of interest should contain the following components:
* An academic CV
* A motivation letter (which also addresses the benefits of moving to Sweden) * A one page note on the planned research project within the field of post-structuralist media studies * One sample of your work (preferably an article or book chapter, with a max. of 10000 words)

Candidates are requested, before submitting an expression of interest, to carefully read the call documents that can be found at the webpage of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie call (see below), in particular the Guide for Applicants IF 2016.

Candidates that have their expressions of interest approved are expected to work with their supervisor on a proposal that will have to be submitted electronically, using the European Commission's Online Submission Service (SEP), before 17 September 2016, 17:00 CET.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie action call page:

Marie Sklodowska-Curie action - Guide for Applicants IF 2016:

Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University (Sweden):

Nico Carpentier
Uppsala University
Department of Informatics and Media
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
753 13 Uppsala
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Free University of Brussels
Charles University in Prague
Media and participation: A site of ideological-democratic struggle
New article (open access):
Beyond the Ladder of Participation.
An Analytical Toolkit for the Critical Analysis of Participatory Media Processes
Javnost - the Public, Vol 23, Iss 2 (2016)
Centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance
International Association for Media and Communication Research
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European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School
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