Archive for calls, January 2017

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[ecrea] Screen Production Conference, Gold Coast (Australia)

Wed Jan 11 17:21:43 GMT 2017



*BOND University 21 - 23 June 2017*

The Australian Screen Production Education and Research Association (ASPERA) 2017 annual Conference will be held at Bond University, on the Gold Coast Australia.

This year’s conference is interested in */what excites you/*, as researchers, educators and creators of screen production.

The conference convenors invite papers, topics forpanels, interactive workshops, posters and exhibits that explore what is currently exciting you in your research, teaching, or screen production work.

Both double-blind peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed papers are welcome to be presented.

Double-blind peer reviewed papers have the opportunity to be published in the conference proceedings, or possibly a journal.

*Postgraduate student submissions, and submissions from international academics and practitioners, are strongly encouraged.*

*Please submit all proposals and enquiriesto*(aspera2017 /at/ <mailto:(aspera2017 /at/>

Important Deadlines:

·All abstracts of 250 to 300 words, plus author/s biographical details up to a maximum 100 words, are due by* Monday 27th February 2017*.

·Please make it very clear in your submission if you wish to have your fully written paper double-blind peer reviewed prior to the conference, for publication.

·All successful submissions will be notified as soon as practical.

·For those requesting double-blind peer review, full draft papers of 4000-5000words must be submitted by *Monday 17th April 2017*

*Refereed conference proceedings*

The conference will publish fully refereed conference proceedings via the ASPERA website. Previous years’ proceedings offer an idea of the content and scholarship required and can be viewed at <>

All papers submitted for peer review will receive two blind peer reviewers’ reports.

Final, polished, papers for publication in the conference proceedings will be due shortly after the conference, to enable publication before the end of 2017.

*Refereeing Guidelines for Papers*

Anonymous/de-identified papers will be sent to two referees, who will complete referee reports and make suggestions regarding editing, and reworking or development of content to increase the suitability of the paper for the conference and publication.

The recommendations will be forwarded to the author for attention before the paper is finally accepted for the conference and for publication.

To enable ‘blind’ reviewing, authors must ensure that the author/s name, biographical details, their organisation, contact details and word count, along with any text or images within the paper identifying authors are supplied via a separate Word file as part of the initial submission.

The paper, with only the title and word count at the top of the first page, should be a separate Word or PDF file with no author/s identifiable content.

*Preparation of Papers*

Papers should be between 4000 and 5000 words for publication purposes.

When preparing papers please take account of the following requirements:

·Referencing style is Chicago-Author Date
Austen, Jane. 2007. /Pride and Prejudice/. New York: Penguin Classics.

·Acknowledgements must be included (funding support etc.)

·All contributions must be written in English.

·Font Calibri and text size 11 point with headings in Title Case.

·Papers must be submitted in Word or PDF format only for peer review.

PLEASE NOTE: The length of each conference presentation, be it a paper, or a slot within a panel, will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of questions/discussions.

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