Archive for calls, January 2014

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[ecrea] Short Film Experience - ECREA PhilCom Conference

Fri Jan 31 04:15:21 GMT 2014

Short Film Experience -- ECREA PhilCom Conference
May 2nd 2014, Leiden (Abstracts due: 25/04/2014)

Since the advent and standardization of the theatrical feature length film, the audiovisual short has been more or less marginalized in the discussions on cinematic experience. Historically stretching from the "early cinema" of the vaudeville to the "little films" of youtube and beyond, the audiovisual short traverses a wide variety of media platforms, practices, and technologies, including animation, video and installation art, gallery films, short film (festival)s, video clips and TV commercials, as well as mash-ups, machinima, self-made movies, made to measure for handheld devices, and open air video mapping, a skyrocketing trend in audiovisual communication. The widespread usage of the format suggests that the audiovisual short is not an anomaly or rarity at the periphery of cinema, but rather should be put at the centre of our discussions when rethinking cinematic experience and the moving image today. Transgressing the boundaries between media forms and practices while nonetheless paying tribute to their specificity, the audiovisual short challenges the borders of the disciplines that study them, urging us to confront questions concerning the conditions of moving image reception, and the time/space/identity configurations that lay at the heart of cinematic experience (from a necessarily interdisciplinary and cross medial perspective).

This intensive one-day conference invites participants to reflect on how the audiovisual short -- as both a media archeological object, as well as a theoretic object -- can help us further our understanding of the moving image and cinematic today. How can the audiovisual short broaden our understanding of moving image experience today? What does a "short film experience" entail in terms of aesthetics, technology, communication and/or time/space/identity formation? What can we learn from both the aforementioned multifariousness of the conditions of production, distribution and reception, as well as from the singular examples that determine the audiovisual short's (nonspecific) identity? And why is this important? We welcome papers from participants working within the field of (but not limited to) philosophy of communication, film philosophy, media theory, television and digital media, game studies, art history, culture and technology, and human geography, providing that the paper is theoretically firmly grounded and addresses the topic of "short film experience."

This conference is hosted by the 6th edition of LISFE (Leiden International Short Film Experience), to take place in Leiden on May 1st to 3rd 2014. It is organized in collaboration with LUCAS (Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, Leiden University), and affiliated to the section Philosophy of Communication and the Young Scholars Network of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association). Participating papers will be eligible for publication in a special edition of 'Empedocles: Journal for the Philosophy of Communication' devoted to short film experience.

Candidates are invited to submit a proposal (max. 300 words) with a short biography (max. 150 words) to (c.m.roos.munoz /at/ <mailto:(c.m.roos.munoz /at/>. The deadline for submissions is 21 March 2014. Those selected to participate will be asked to provide a 3000-word paper (excluding bibliography) by 15 April 2014 at the latest, which will be distributed among other participants in advance of the conference. In order to allow for a sufficient amount of discussion time, papers will not be read. Instead, participants will be asked to provide a short pitch of their argument for a maximum of 10 minutes. Respondents will be assigned to each paper. The conference language is English.

Organising Committee: Dr. Pepita Hesselberth (LUCAS, Leiden University); Carlos Miguel Roos, MA (Ghent University, Leiden University).
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