Archive for calls, January 2014

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[ecrea] Extension to deadline for BEA international papers' call - virtual presentation opportunity

Sat Jan 04 01:15:24 GMT 2014

Broadcast Education Association 59th Annual Convention
BEA2014, April 6 – 9

BEA Goes Mobile AND Global with a Special Call for BEA International Research

Submission deadline extended to: January 6, 2014

As a special addition to our standard call for papers, the Broadcast Education Association invites submission of papers from international scholars who will not be able to attend the 2014 BEA conference in person – for a Mobile&  Global: International Interactive Paper Competition.

Anyone who lives and works outside the U.S. has a special invitation to submit research that, if accepted, will be presented “virtually” and “interactively” at the conference. This Special Call is designed to enhance our BEA 2014 spotlight Mobile and Global. Submissions may address practical, theoretical, phenomenological, critical and/or empirical approaches in media research and are not expected to necessarily be about international media.


With your paper submission to this Special Call, you will indicate that you will not be able to attend in person and will therefore only be able to present a poster version of your research. International scholars whose work is accepted will be offered a special “virtual attendance” registration of only $25. You will agree, based on this submission, that you will mail a single page poster of a specified size (size parameters will be provided) by March 1st, OR, based on BEA’s arrangements with a Fedex Office location in Las Vegas (this will require you to submit a digital version with credit card payment to have it printed in Las Vegas by April 4th).


Your poster will be expected to offer means by which attendees of the BEA Poster Session can use a tablet or smart phone to interact with your research virtually. (Special Call posters that do not meet this requirement will not be presented at the conference.) This might include, for example:
 - A QR code to a short video clip that has been uploaded to YouTube explaining one element of your research.
- A short URL on the poster that takes someone to a brief clip of the author describing specific components of their research, as well as any other ‘explanations’.
- A hash tag that allows people to comment on the research
- Social Media links that allows the vistor to interact with other people who have the same research interests.

 BEA wants each presenter to use these ideas or find other creative ‘in the cloud tools’ allowing attendees at the poster session to interact with you about your research, primarily based on short web postings, short clips and similar techniques a poster session attendee could use while interacting with your poster. BEA is offering a $200 award for the best interactive poster, with onsite voting by poster session attendees. The award committee reserves the right to make no award if no poster achieves the level of interactivity and creativity expected.
All the papers accepted from this Special Call must have information on the poster that allows a person with a smart phone to ‘interact with the presentation,’ and all interactive posters will be eligible for the $200 award for the best interactive poster.

You do not have to be a current 2013 individual member to enter a paper competition.  Accepted papers will be notified by late-January, 2014.

You can upload your paper online for this special call for research. In addition, reviewers will be able to go online and blindly judge the entries.
Click on this link to get started:
If you already have an account through All Academic, login to your All Academic account to begin the process… If you don’t have an account, click on Create a New Account.
Click on the link for “Submit or Edit a Paper or Panel Proposal” then click on “Submit a New Paper or Panel Proposal.”
Select: Mobile&  Global: International Interactive Paper Competition  (Note: It’s the last option on the list)
Then follow the guidelines to add a title and abstract
If you have any co-authors then add them to the paper at the prompt.  Note: If your co-author(s) aren’t BEA members, have them create All Academic accounts first so you can easily search and link them to the paper.
Finally review your information and upload your paper.

You can edit and/or re-submit papers up until the January 6th deadline (extended from January 1st).

Length&  Style… The paper is not to exceed 30 double-spaced pages, including references&  tables, and use of APA style or a style suited to the discipline is expected.

Remember, this paper competition is blindly reviewed! Please do NOT include a cover page with author and contact information and remove ALL author information from internal pages. Judges need to blindly review your papers. Your paper information will be directly linked to your profile.

New Connections: Mobile and Global

New Connections can mean many things, and as the convention spotlight, it is intended to have a variety of applications: a) the new way audience and content connect, the connections we make as scholars between industry, b) our research and the classroom, and c) new connections of existing knowledge we bring to the convention and new understandings we have as the convention ends.

But at the foundation, the New Connections affecting our lives as media users and as media scholars are being profoundly impacted by mobile media and the increasing evidence of the Global Village envisioned by Marshall McLuhan 50 years ago. Mobile media does not just mean users can watch TV on the go—it means people can, and increasingly are, interacting with content, whether created by traditional media organizations or non-professionals, at home and while on the go. These new levels of interconnectivity likewise allow new social interactions among people worldwide and similarly are breaking down distinctions world-wide between content creators and content users.

The 2012 Arbitron-Edison “Infinite Dial” study shows that 85% of Americans now have Internet access from anywhere. Broadband Internet is the driving force of ‘new media’ and home broadband has reached 70% penetration. The study, and many like it these days, shows the Internet as more important in young people’s lives than radio or television. However, this same demographic shows to still be very engaged with radio and video content—the form of distribution has just changed. Online radio along with local broadcast radio, for example, is highly used by the 18-34 demographic.

Our challenge as broadcast education scholars is to continue to study and teach the foundations of our field, including writing and visual storytelling while also guiding future professionals toward what may be evolving new economics regarding how to make a living as a content creator.

New Connections serves as a spotlight for the convention, but papers are not limited to this area of research and discussion. All sessions must adhere to the goals and objectives of the interest division(s) to which they are submitted (descriptions are listed on the submission site). Each division selects up to six papers for presentation at the convention - four for presentation and two as alternates. In addition, In addition, a few papers may be selected by divisions for consideration in the Scholar-to-Scholar (poster) session.

Questions regarding the submission process? Please (email2014BEA /at/  (orhbirks /at/

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