Archive for calls, January 2010

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[ecrea] Call for papers: Organizational Communication and Environment, Bruxelles, 18 and 19 November 2010

Thu Jan 21 07:26:24 GMT 2010

Call for papers
International conference

"Organizational Communication and Environment:
Evolution of Approaches and Change of Practices"

Brussels, 18 and 19 November 2010

Organisers: Andrea Catellani, Thierry Libaert
LASCO (Laboratory for the Analysis of Organisational Communication
Systems), Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

The purpose of this international and multi-disciplinary conference is to
explore organizational communication on environmental issues. The aim is
to compare different scientific points of views. This comparison also
intends to involve the contribution of professionals who are protagonists
of this type of communication.

Theoretic and critical dimension.

It is evident that communication cannot limit itself to â??transmitâ?? some
environmental â??contentâ??, just in order to improve the reputation of an
organisation or to influence practices and cultural forms. Contact with
the constellation of environmental values emphasises the instrumental
nature (sometimes in the form of greenwashing) of this communication in
its actual form. Therefore, this conference wants to explore the
theoretical foundations, and the variants, of a possible â??organizational
and business sustainable communication ecologyâ??; which also includes
deformations and instrumental uses of this type of communication.
Transparency, dialogue, discussion and cooperation in sense construction
between organisation and stakeholders are examples or this communicative
ecology, which is the possible correlative term of the environmental
A dimension that is closely connected to this first research axe is the
one of the criteria useful to establish the environmental validity of
organizational communication. The conference aims to analyse different
ventures under way (in France, Belgium, Great Britain and other countries)
to define, for example, the â??greenwashingâ?? phenomena in advertising. How
to build effective criteria to identify and sanction non ethical and
misleading communicational practices? Which contributions can the
disciplines of information and communication studies bring to this issue?

Phenomenological dimension.

The conference wants to allow researches who are working on organisational
environmental communication, especially related to companies and
associations, to present their results, in order to establish an inventory
of ongoing researches. Which rhetorical, discursive, narrative forms, and
which forms of valorisation, are evoked, in texts addressed from the
organisation to its differing public? Which tendencies emerge in the use
of social networks and new interactive spaces, in relation to traditional
media, when is it necessary to mobilise a specific stakeholder on
environmental issues? How do environmental arguments influence the
evolution of crisis and the reaction of different stakeholders? How does
environmental communication influence the configuration of risks that can
lead to a crisis, or that can influence its evolution?
Most of all, the conference should find the means to verify relations
between environmental values and other values constellations that are
present in businesses discourse (first of all, economical efficiency). In
this light, the conference wants to understand how organisational identity
changes under the influence of the â??grand narrativeâ?? on environment.

Epistemological and methodological dimension

Different disciplines and scientific approaches are implied in research on
environmental communication of organisations. Semiotic, semio-pragmatic,
mediologic, sociological approaches are implied (the latter in particular
in the case of the works of the socio-pragmatic school of Luc Boltanski).
More globally, qualitative approaches can contribute to the exploration of
forms of mediation of organisational communicative strategies.
Quantitative approaches can contribute to the validation of hypothesis on
the relevance and the effects of environmental communication, in order to
observe its impression on the public. Analysis of environmental
communicative forms opens the way towards a reflection on the relevance of
different research approaches.


Papers propositions, in English or French, in the form of an abstract of
max. 2000 characters, have to be send to the organisers of the conference
(Thierry Libaert, (thierry.libaert /at/ or Andrea Catellani,
(andrea.catellani /at/ BEFORE 15 MAY 2010.
Propositions will be evaluated by the scientific committee. An answer to
the applicants will be sent before 15 June 2010.
The complete paper has to be sent to the organisers before 20 October 2010.
Proceedings of the conference will be published in a special number of the
scientific revue "Recherche en communication", after a double-blind

Members of the scientific committee: Thierry Libaert (UCL), Andrea
Catellani (UCL), Thierry De Smedt (UCL), Nicole Dâ??Almeida (Paris IV),
François Lambotte (ULB), Jacquie Lâ??Etang (Stirling), Dominique Bourg
(Lausanne), Gino Gramaccia (Bordeaux), Jordi Xifra (Barcelona), Yves-Marie
Abraham (Montréal), Valérie Swaen (UCL), Béatrice Jalenques-Vigouroux
(Provence), Françoise Bernard (Aix-Marseille I), Marc Lits (UCL).

The conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium. Detailed information on
place, access and hotel possibilities will be given successively.

Andrea Catellani

Chargé de cours - Professor

Université Catholique de Louvain
Faculté des Sciences �conomiques, Sociales et Politiques
Département de communication
Ruelle de la Lanterne magique 14
Louvain-la-Neuve B-1348

Portable - Mobile Phone: +32 (0)487 62 46 14

Téléphone fixe - Office Phone: +32 (0)10 47 27 63

Fax: +32 (0)10 47 30 44

Bâtiment - Building : Collège Leon Dupriez ; �tage 01 ; Local E 105

LASCO - Laboratoire d'Analyse des Systèmes de Communication des

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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