Archive for calls, February 2004

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[eccr] Summer Course Legal Theory

Sat Feb 07 11:11:30 GMT 2004

Slightly off topic, but still, some lectures are relevant, NC



23rd August -11th September 2004

As from 1999 the European Academy of Legal Theory is organising a Summer 
Course in legal theory. This course lasts three weeks, from the last week 
of August till mid September. It aims at presenting the main schools and 
discussions in legal theory to lawyers or law students who lacked to a 
large extent legal theory in their legal education. It combines lectures 
with recommended readings and discussions on topics of current interest.

Preliminary PROGRAMME (subject to changes)

1. Lectures on various topics (2,5 hours each)

Hereafter, the title and content of the lectures on specific topics are 
given in the language which will be used for teaching (English or French).
As a rule, teaching hours will be 10.00 a.m. till 12.30 noon (including 
time for questions and discussion), on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs­days and 
Fridays, during the three weeks and 2.30 p.m. till 5.00 p.m. on the 
afternoons during the first week.
These lectures are meant to be basic. No preliminary reading of texts is 

Yves CARTUYVELS: Naissance de la justice pénale internationale en contexte 
de mondialisation (26.8 - 14.30)

Les paradigmes du droit pénal moderne sont associés depuis le XVIIIe siècle 
à la structure de lEtat. Lémergence de la mondialisation vient 
aujourdhui bousculer ce cadre, ce dont témoigne lémergence dune justice 
pénale internationale pour sanctionner les « crimes contre lhumanité ». A 
partir du procès de 4 rwandais qui sest déroulé à Bruxelles en mai-juin 
2000, cest aux principaux enjeux de cette évolution que lon réfléchira.

Christophe EBERHARD: Towards an intercultural Legal Theory - Perspectives 
from the Anthropology of Law  (6.9 - 10.00)

Contemporary debates about globalisation, governance and human rights make 
it more and more clear that the Western concept of Law has to take up the 
challenges of interculturalism. This is true on the one hand in the field 
of action. Negating cultural diversity has proved to hinder a successful 
transfer of Western legal institutions towards the rest of the world - 
taking into acount non-Western theories and practices thus appears 
increasingly paramount. The challenge of interculturalism also becomes more 
and more obvious in the field of theoretical research on law, as the 
Western character of the current paradigms appears more and more clearly. 
Anthropology of Law, one of whose aims it is to give a definition of "Law" 
through a comparison of our diverse cultural experiences can open useful 
paths to rethink our concept and praxis of Law.

René FOQUE: Judicial activism (2.9 - 10.00)

Much has been said and much has been written about the extensive and 
increasing use of judicial decision-making as an instrument of political, 
moral or socio-economic reform. Can the interpretative role of the 
judiciary bring the judge in the position of a (quasi)legislator ? How far 
can the judge go in the exercise of his discretion when he has to interpret 
the law in order to make the law more responsive to the changing context of 
society ? These questions will be analysed in the perspective of 
Montesquieu's classical theory of the balance of powers as a necessary 
condition for a moderate - democratic - legal order.

Benoît FRYDMAN: Internet Law (26.8  10.00)

Cette conférence présentera les modèles de régulation juridique de 
l'internet. On prendra pour base de réflexion la régulation des discours de 
haine dans un contexte marqué par l'opposition des régimes juridiques 
européen et américain.

Nidhi GUPTA: An Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory (6.9  10.00)

Feminist legal theory, as a movement, has seen many ups and downs before it 
could carve out its own distinctive and specific niche in the legal 
academics. This seminar is focussed at presenting a comprehensive review of 
the long journey of this movement. The aim is to bring forth the challenges 
within as well as the ones in front of this movement. During the 
discussions the attempt will also be to throw light on cross-cultural 
perspectives for the contemporary feminist legal theory.

Xavier THUNIS: L'écriture du droit: tours et détours de la doctrine 
juridique (23.8  14.30)

La doctrine juridique utilise consciemment ou inconsciemment bon nombre de 
figures de style et de modes de raisonnement sur lesquels elle ne 
s'interroge plus assez tant ils sont habituels. Citations, notes de bas de 
page, titres, préfaces, comparaisons...., tous ces procédés ne sont pas 
neutres. Ils expriment un certain rapport de la doctrine juridique  au 
langage, manifestent la façon dont elle construit son objet et la position 
particulière qu'elle occupe au sein de la communauté juridique. De nombreux 
exemples tirés de la production doctrinale( traités, thèses de doctorat, 
notes d'observations...) seront fournis à l'appui d'analyses plus 
théoriques et méthodologiques.
Jean-Pierre KILENDA: Etat de droit et normes pénales: entre dogmatisme et 
pragmatisme (24.8  14.30)

Dégagés notamment par L. Fuller et rappelés par F. Ost, certains principes 
qui forment la substance de lEtat de droit sont aujourdhui mis à mal par 
un certain pragmatisme pénal lors du processus législatif répressif. Ici, 
la réflexion porte sur le point de savoir si ce pragmatisme est 
rationnel.  Oeuvre-t-il pour la consolidation de lEtat de droit ou, au 
contraire, le compromet-il au nom dautres raisons inavouées 
?  Lhoméostasie des règles de droit nest-elle pas finalement régressive 
?  La violation justifiée, calculée, mathématiquement exacte et dosée 
desdits principes ne comble-t-elle pas en réalité un déficit de légalité 
mortifère à lEtat de droit ?
Tels sont les questionnements qui requièrent une réponse à partir de 
lanalyse de quelques législations pénales modernes gagnées par le courant 
pragmatique dans la phase de la criminalisation primaire.

Christophe MINCKE: La médiation pénale: résoudre les conflits pénaux sans 
recours à l'autorité (24.8  10.00)
Les procédures de médiation bénéficient d'un engouement sans précédent dans 
tous les domaines du droit. Le droit pénal n'y échappe pas. On peut 
cependant s'interroger sur la signification de l'introduction en cette 
matière d'un mode de résolution des conflits qui fait largement l'économie 
de la référence à la loi. Assistons-nous à la naissance de modes non 
autoritaires de résolution des conflits pénaux? La question de la 
légitimité démocratique de l'intervention répressive se pose-t-elle dans le 
cas de la médiation pénale? Dans l'affirmative, qu'est-il fait pour la 

Paolisa NEBBIA: Tradition and interpretation in law (31.8  10.00)

In investigating the nature of law, Krygier (1986) notes that any  change - 
even a radical one-  in legislation enters a continuing tradition which 
probably affected the way in which it was drafted and certainly will affect 
the ways in which it is read and applied. The lecture seeks to give an 
example, drawn from contract law, of the inescapability of tradition in 
drafting and interpreting law. More specifically, the lecture will examine 
how tradition has affected the implementation and the interpretation of EC 
Directive 93/13 in two countries where dramatic divergence in legal 
thinking, values, method, and in the perception of the role of judges in 
the society entailed, before the Directive, two substantially different 
forms of unfair terms control.

François OST: Droit et littérature. L'exemple du droit des contrats (27.8  

Le courant Droit et littérature représente une nouvelle manière, originale, 
de faire de la théorie du droit. Il est en plein développement, notamment 
aux Etats-Unis. Ce courant se propose d'explorer les différents types de 
rapport qui s'établissent entre le droit, la langue et la littérature 
(droit dans la littérature, droit et littérature, droit comme littérature, 
droit de la littérature). On se propose d'explorer un exemple de la 
première perspective à propos de la question du temps dans le contrat. Le 
point de départ de l'analyse sera fourni par l'étude du Marchand de Venise 
de Shakespeare et du Faust de Goethe.

Pierre-Arnaud PERROUTY: Désobéissance et démocratie (27.8  14.30)

Au départ de la prétention du droit à un caractère universel et 
obligatoire, on analysera le rapport dialectique entre obéissance et 
désobéissance à la loi: quelles sont les raisons qui fondent notre 
obéissance, quelles en sont les limites et quelles sont les tensions entre 
ces raisons et la liberté individuelle ? On pourra alors tenter de préciser 
le concept de désobéissance civile, d'en rechercher le fondement 
(juridique, moral, politique ?) et d'en évaluer la place au sein de la 
société démocratique.

Valentin PETEV: Justification of Legal Norms in a Pluralistic Society (10.9 

The justification of legal norms in a pluralistic society can only be 
provided by substantial moral reasons of the social actors concerned. Such 
a justification cannot be replaced by a procedural justification model. 
Neo-Pragmatics (H. Putnam, R.Rorty) and Discursive Ethics (J.Habermas) are 
analysed. According to a pure epistemic stance, legal norms are only valid 
if their content is acceptable by all persons affected by them, and this by 
everyone from the perspective of the others. On the contrary, it will be 
argued that legal norms are justified if prevailing axiological 
(socio-ethical) arguments are advanced in their favour. This occurs in 
political discourses and institutionalised legal procedures. The 
participants accept the result of discours and deliberation not only 
because it is yielded by rational arguments but also because it corresponds 
with the participants interests.

Mark VAN HOECKE: European Legal Integration (30.8  10.00)

Some theoretical problems of comparative law, as related to the 
harmonisation of private law in Europe, will be discussed. It will be shown 
how an insight into traditional problems of legal theory (definition and 
structure of legal systems, nature and structure of norms, etc.) is needed 
for the discussion on such a process of legal integration. This will be 
followed by a brief discussion of the different possible roads towards a 
harmonisation of private law in Europe (legal science or legal practice, 
legislation or judge made law, etc..).

Luc WINTGENS: Law and religion. From foundation to interaction (3.9  10.00)

This seminar focuses on the idea that law is said to be originating in 
morality and religion, c.q. a religious morality. Secularisation of law and 
morality includes that the theological foundations are cut of. The 
vocabulary, however, of religion, is kept intact and serves in our current 
thought-patterns as points of reference to a reality that is not believed 
in any more. Despite this loss of faith, the vocabulary of canon law and 
theology is kept alive in our legal vocabulary. This causes some problems 
of interpretation, on which attention will we drawn.

Ahmed ZIAUDDIN: Law on Revolution (9.9  10.00)

The lecture will start with brief reviews of general principles on norms, 
hierarchy of norms, basic norms, etc. This will then be followed by a 
general introduction to the breakdown of legal orders, either through 
revolution or otherwise, and to how the process has to be resolved in law. 
A number of concrete examples of revolution or breakdown will be used to 
illustrate the principles and problems involved.

2. General overview lectures (24 hours)

Topical lectures are complemented by a series of lectures that offer a 
general overview of schools, authors and discussions in twentieth century 
legal theory. These lectures will be taught by Frank Fleerackers and will 
take place in the afternoon in the 2nd and 3rd week (2.30 - 4.00 and 4.30 - 
6.00 p.m., every working day).
The teaching language will be English.
The purpose of the course is to provide a general overview of the field of 
jurisprudence in 20th century. Therefore, its focus on general problems 
(definition, scope and methods of legal theory; natural law and positivism; 
legalism), specific fields and schools (the Pure Theory of Law, American 
and Scandinavian Realism, Critical Legal Studies, Law and Economics, 
argumentation and legitimation) as well as on the work of leading scholars 
in jurisprudence (including Kelsen, Hart, Dworkin, Raz, Aarnio, Alexy, e.a.)

3. Special sessions

Special sessions will be organised for introducing the participants into 
research in the field of legal theory, including the use of Internet and 
databases. A social programme will also be worked out, partly depending on 
the number of participants in the summer course and their interests.


Accommodation will be provided for all participants, in the neighbourhood 
of the university. The fees include the rent for the room from Friday 20 
August till Monday September 13th. Earlier arrival is possible subject to 
prior arrangement. As a rule, the use of the room cannot be extended beyond 
Monday 13 September.
However, a room cannot be guaranteed if payment did not reach us before the 
end of July.
Breakfast is not served.
For lunch and/or dinner meal tickets are available for various kinds of 
restaurants in the immediate neighbourhood of the university. Prices are 
between 5 and 8 ¬ for a full meal, including one drink. The welcome lunch 
on Tuesday 24 August is included.


The fees for the summer course are 650 ¬. They include access to the 
lectures and special sessions, to the library and computer facilities, 
accommodation and some limited documentation.
Meals are not included.
For those who would not need accommodation the fees are 500 ¬.

Fees have to be paid on the account 210-0680761-67 (at the Fortis Bank) of 
the Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Vrijheidslaan 17, B-1081 Brussels, 
mentioning "Summer Course LT", preferably before July 1st.
For payments after 1 July accommodation can not be guaranteed.


Mrs. Kathleen MONSIEUR, Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Vrijheidslaan 17, 
B-1081 Brussels
tel.: +32 (0)2 412 43 71
<mailto:(kathleen.monsieur /at/>(kathleen.monsieur /at/

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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