Archive for calls, March 2003

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[eccr] EM: CfP -- Open Source Software

Wed Mar 19 13:19:33 GMT 2003


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Call for Papers

Focus Theme: Open Source Software - Technologies,
Applications, and Economic Potential

Dear Colleagues:

EM - Electronic Markets is a scientific journal for
advancing the understanding and practice of electronic
markets and commerce (

Guest Editors: Arnold Picot, University of Munich
               Marina Fiedler, University of Munich
               Johannes Hummel, University of St. Gallen

Open Source Software (OSS) has become very popular.
Even though there are already about 60,000 OSS
projects, many expect OSS to continue growing at
enormous rates. OSS researcher and practitioner
communities are flourishing. Many IT-firms
incorporate OSS into their business strategies and
engage in OSS-development projects. Other
companies and administrations are thinking about
employing OSS at least in some areas. However,
there are still many open questions and
misunderstandings around OSS, many OSS business
models are struggling and the economic implications
of OSS have not been clarified yet.

This is partly due to the "exploding" amount of
software and research done. Also, the variety of
participants is huge ranging from business
management, computer scientists, economists,
lawyers to social psychologists from academic as
well as practitioner backgrounds. Important
objectives of this special issue of Electronic
Markets are an improved understanding of the
business, legal and technical characteristics of
OSS, the principal factors determining development,
and application of OSS economic implications
to related industries and society.

We welcome theoretical as well as empirical
(qualitative and quantitative) designs. We invite
researchers (mainly from business administration,
economics, computer science, law and psychology),
practitioners and policymakers to submit original
papers on open source software topics including,
but not limited to:

1. Business related OSS characteristics: business
models, industry solutions, scalability,
sustainability, coexistence with proprietary software

2. Factors influencing diffusion of OSS: software
patents, licensing policy, standards, legal Digital
Rights Management solutions

3. Economic implications of Open Source Software on
proprietary software vendors and the software
industry, as well as on related industries and on
the entire economy

4. Role of OSS in the future development and
diffusion of e-business and electronic markets

5. Management of OSS-Communities and their

Each issue of EM is also open to submission of articles
which deal with topics of general interest to the electronic
commerce field. For further information, please visit the
contributors section on our website.

EM accepts papers between 3500 and 6500 words in length.
Please refer to the Contributors Section for our templates
(Cover page and Manuscript Template) to submit your article.

Important Deadlines:

Submission Deadline: 6 October 2003
Acceptance Decision: 1 December 2003
Publication: April 2004

If you have any questions regarding acceptable topics,
please contact Johannes Hummel at: (Johannes.Hummel /at/,
Marina Fiedler at: (fiedler /at/ or Arnold
Picot at: (picot /at/ For questions regarding
the journal, the review process, or to submit your paper:
(em.editors /at/


Arnold Picot
Marina Fiedler
Johannes Hummel
Beat F. Schmid and
Lucia Pavlikova

EM - Electronic Markets
Editorial Office:

mcm institute for Media and
Communications Management
University of St.Gallen
Blumenbergplatz 9
CH-9000 St.Gallen

Editor-in-Chief:  Prof. Beat F. Schmid
Executive Editor: Lucia Pavlikova

Phone +41 71 224 27 74
Fax   +41 71 224 27 71

email: (em.editors /at/

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