Archive for 2025

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[Commlist] New book - Stretching the Archives: Toward a Global Women’s Film Heritage

Sun Jan 26 17:31:26 GMT 2025

Stefanie Van De Peer is excited to announce the publication of a new Open Access book on Archives and Global Women’s Film Heritage, edited by Dr. Stefanie Van De Peer, Prof. Lizelle Bisschoff and Dr Ana Grgić.

*/Stretching the Archives: Toward a Global Women’s Film Heritage/*
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Edited by Lizelle Bisschoff, Ana Grgić and Stefanie Van de Peer
*Contributors:* Mathilde Rouxel, Manal Zakharia, Nadim Kamel, Chrystel Elias, Monzer El Hachem, Ainamar Clariana Rodagut, Maria Corrigan, Isabel Seguí, Invisible Women Collective, Marina Cavalcanti Tedesco, Rosa Inês de Novais Cordeiro, Ana Grgić, Maria Christoforidi, Sofia Dati, Rabab El Mouadden, Christina Phoebe, Elli Vassalou, Kate E. Taylor-Jones, Xinyue Wang, Lizelle Bisschoff, Amy Reid, Yoojin Kim, Soumya Vats, Laura McMahon, Vivian Wenli Lin, Małgorzata Radkiewicz, Najmeh Moradiyan-Rizi, Rena Raziye-Ekrem, Nusrat Zahan Chowdhury, Kate Ince, Elaine Kim-mui E. Chan
Published by Archive Books
ISBN 9783949973697

This book is the result of two years of networking, workshops, and conferences that brought together scholars, archivists, and filmmakers. The focus was on addressing gaps in our shared histories, with a particular emphasis on feminist cultural memory and film heritage in the Global South. This book combines feminist and anti-colonial research, and through the network, women and individuals identifying as female from around the world came together to share passions, frustrations, knowledge, and experiences related to film archives and restoration projects. These projects have often neglected the work of women from the Global South. Recognizing that the intersection of the anti-colonial movement with second wave feminism and the rise of film studies in the seventies provided a rich framework, the authors collectively decided to focus on that era to find a workable methodology for their diverse approaches to film history.

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