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[Commlist] 23rd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET2025)
Thu Jan 23 08:08:38 GMT 2025
Poznań, Poland
Date: 24/06/2025 - 26/06/2025
Call for papers ending on: 30/01/2025
We are pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 23rd International
and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics
(COMET 2025), which will be hosted by Adam Mickiewicz University,
Poznań and Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland on 25-27 June,
2025. The conference will be held entirely in person in Poznań.
The COMET conference aims to bring together scholars from different
disciplinary backgrounds involving various healthcare specialties and the
human and social sciences. A special emphasis is on the dissemination of
ongoing research in language/discourse/ communication studies in relationto
healthcare education, patient participation and professional ethics.
The proposal submission deadline has been extended until 20 January 2025.
The Pre-COMET Masterclass is scheduled for 24 June, 2025, and will be
delivered by Professor Srikant Sarangi. For more information, see this
website [1].
Featured speaker: Szczepan Cofta (Poznań University of Medical Sciences,
Challenges in the management of chronically ill patients, with particular
emphasis on pulmonary conditions
Lars-Christer Hydén (Linköping University, Sweden):
Social interaction and communication involving people living with dementia
Jessica Lester (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA):
Reflective interventionist conversation analysis: Connecting research and
practice in clinician – patient interactional studies
Alison Pilnick (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK):
Understanding the ‘failure’ of patient-centred care
· client–professional encounters (involving doctors,
counsellors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, speech and language therapists,
psychotherapists etc.)
· communicating risk and uncertainty
· communication in chronic disease
· communication in palliative care
· communication skills training
· distributed expertise among professionals and clients
· disturbed patient
· ethics and communication
· evidence in diagnosis and non-diagnosis
· health and disability
· health, wellbeing and the lifespan
· health literacy
· health technologies and medicalinformatics
· healthcare services and organisations
· interpreter-mediated healthcare delivery
· intercultural communication inhealth
· interprofessional communication and hospital management systems
· media and health communication
· medical education
· mental illness
· narratives of illness experience
· patient centricity
· patient empowerment
· public understanding of health and illness
· quality of life and quality ofcare
· representation of the body
· research ethics
· simulated patient training
· (shared) decision making
· tailoring health messages
· telemedicine
· values and responsibilities inprofessional practice
Proposals include panels, individual presentations (oral or poster) and
work-in-progress sessions.
Panels should address a common theme, content or methodological area, and
will be scheduled for 90 minutes or multiples of 90 minutes. A 90-minute
panel usually includes 3 individual presentations, plus a brief introduction
and preferably time allocated for a general discussion.
For panel submissions, please include a) an overview description of no more
than 300 words (including references), highlighting the panel’s content and
objectives, and including 3-5 key words; b) an abstract of no more than 250
words (including references) for each individual presentation within the
panel. Also provide information about the panel members and the coordinator,
including full institutional addresses and emails. Please indicate how many
90-minute slots you are requesting.
Submit your panel proposal via e-mail with subject header “COMET 2025 Panel
Proposal” to (comet2025 /at/ amu.edu.pl) [2]
Proposals for individual papers (no more than 250 words, including
references) must clearly indicate a preference for oral or poster
presentation. Following the peer review process, the organisers will
determine whether a proposal is selected for oral or poster presentation.
There will be an opportunity for all poster presenters to briefly outline
their main argument in a poster panel session in 2-3 minutes each prior to
the poster viewing session. Poster presenters must be physically present
at the poster panel session and at their poster board to discuss their work
during the dedicated sessions.
Oral presentations will typically be scheduled in blocks of 90 minutes to
contain 3 presentations, with 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation + 10
minutes for discussion) allocated to each individual presentation.
Submit your proposal for individual paper (oral presentation or poster)
via Oxford Abstracts [3].
Proposals for work-in-progress should be no more than 250 words (including
references), targeted at oral presentation. The presentations will be in
blocks of 90 minutes, with individual presentations lasting 30 minutes (15
minutes for presentation + 15 minutes for discussion). This format is
particularly suitable for early career researchers pursuing doctoral and
postdoctoral studies and for experienced researchers undertaking/planning
pilot projects or interested in reporting preliminary findings.
Submit your proposal for work-in-progress via Oxford Abstracts [4].
All proposals, except panel proposals, undergo a double-blind peer-review
process. For panels, the reviewers will have access to the names of the
coordinators and the panellists.
Please note that COMET conference policy is one main oral presentation per
presenter. You may choose to submit more than one proposal, but normally
one proposal will be accepted for oral presentation. An additional accepted
proposal may be presented as poster. Any individual presenter – even as
part of a team – is limited to one oral presentation and one poster
There is no fixed format for writing proposals, but we suggest the following
structure: Background (including findings from and absences in previous
literature); Aims/Objectives (including research
question); Methodology (research design, type of data, participants,
analytical framework); Results/Findings; and Conclusion (including
practical relevance).
Please note that the following criteria will form the basis for peer review:
· originality of the topic and its relevance to the conference
· background contextualisation of the study
· relationship between title andcontent
· structural organisation
· theoretical/methodological appropriateness
· clarity of claims and relevance
Individual panels are reviewed without anonymisation in their entirety onthe
above criteria but also on the basis of their relevance to broader issues in
communication, medicine, and ethics; the overall coherence of the proposal;
and the usefulness of the panel to participants.
Decisions about acceptance/rejection will be communicated by the end of
February, 2025. Following formal acceptance, the responsible (presenting)
authors must register their participation. Early registration opens in early
Please visit the COMET 2025 website (https://comet2025.web.amu.edu.pl
[5]) or send an email to (comet2025 /at/ amu.edu.pl) [6] for further details
regarding submission guidelines or for additional information about the
Joanna Pawelczyk
Elżbieta Paszyńska
Magdalena Zabielska
Zuzanna Jechna
Bartłomiej Kruk
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