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[Commlist] CFP Mnemonics 2025: Memory and Responsibility
Wed Jan 22 17:20:13 GMT 2025
*Call for Papers Mnemonics 2025:*
*Memory and Responsibility*
*Ghent, Belgium, 10-12 September 2025*
/The thirteenth edition of the Mnemonics summer school
<https://www.mnemonics.ugent.be/news/call-for-papers-mnemonics-2025-memory-and-responsibility/> will
be hosted by the Flemish Memory Studies Network (a collaboration of
memory scholars at Ghent University and KU Leuven) and will be held in
person in Ghent, Belgium, from Wednesday 10 September 2025 to Friday 12
September 2025./
The annual Mnemonics summer school brings together junior and senior
scholars in the interdisciplinary field of memory studies, affording PhD
students from around the world the opportunity to receive extensive
feedback on their ongoing projects and to catch up with methodological
and theoretical debates in memory studies. Each edition features three
keynotes and 24 PhD student presentations. Each PhD student will be
assigned a senior respondent from a partner institution who will provide
an in-depth commentary on their paper. Mnemonics is a unique platform
for learning, mentoring, and networking specifically designed to meet
the needs and interests of the next generation ofmemory scholars.
*Keynote Speakers*
●Carlos Fonseca
<https://www.mmll.cam.ac.uk/dr-carlos-fonseca> (Cambridge University)
●Sara Dybris McQuaid
<https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/engsdm%40cc.au.dk> (Aarhus University)
●Hanna Meretoja
<https://www.utu.fi/en/people/hanna-meretoja> (University of Turku)
*Participating Mnemonics Partners*
●Tea Sindbæk Andersen (University of Copenhagen)
●Guido Bartolini (Ghent University)
●Stefano Bellin (Ghent University)
●Stef Craps (Ghent University)
●Rick Crownshaw (Goldsmiths, University of London)
●Astrid Erll (Goethe University Frankfurt)
●Victoria Fareld (Stockholm University)
●Brett Ashley Kaplan (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
●Silvana Mandolessi (KU Leuven)
●Jessica Ortner Nielsen (University of Southern Denmark)
●Ann Rigney (Utrecht University)
●Michael Rothberg (UCLA)
●Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (Lund University)
●Pieter Vermeulen (KU Leuven)
●Eva Willems (Ghent University)
The 2025 edition of Mnemonics will delve into the intricate relationship
between memory and responsibility.
Memory is not a static record of the past but a dynamic process,
constantly reshaped by present-day concerns, power structures, and
competing interests. How we remember is determined as much by
contemporary realities as by historical events. Responsibility, on the
other hand, signifies the obligation to answer for actions, inactions,
decisions, and narratives—whether as individuals, groups, or societies.
Scholars such as Paul Ricoeur (2004), Jeffrey Blustein (2008), and James
Booth (2020) have underscored the profound interconnections between
memory and responsibility, which underpin much work in memory studies.
Since the late 1900s, the notion of a “duty to remember” has
increasingly shaped public relations to the past. Originally tied to the
commemoration of the First World War in Western Europe (“lest we
forget”), the moral imperative to bear witness and prevent future
horrors (“never again”) gained widespread prominence in the second half
of the twentieth century in response to the Holocaust (Levy and Sznaider
2006) and political transitions in Latin America (Jelin 2003). Over
time, its scope has broadened significantly. Memory activists have
worked to confront the enduring legacies of Western colonialism and
imperialism, challenging narratives that obscure or erase these
histories. Feminist and gender studies scholars have exposed how
dominant historical accounts often reinforce patriarchal and
heteronormative biases, advocating for more inclusive and critical
approaches to remembrance. The principle of intergenerational
responsibility—accountability for events beyond one’s direct
involvement—has informed efforts to address histories of genocide,
dictatorship, war, and other collective traumas. More recently, the
growing focus on climate change and environmental breakdown has further
expanded these frameworks, emphasizing humanity’s interconnectedness
with other species and ecosystems through the lens of Anthropocene memory.
At the same time, responsibility remains a complex and often contested
concept within memory studies. Memory narratives and dominant historical
discourses are frequently constructed to evade responsibility,
redirecting blame away from the mnemonic community. This tendency is
evident in collective memories of the Second World War, where many
nations have embraced uncritical, self-exonerating narratives that
obscure their shared responsibility for wartime atrocities (Lebow,
Kansteiner, and Fogu 2006; Mihai 2020). Similar challenges have emerged
in recent efforts to confront the legacies of colonialism in countries
such as Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands (Goddeeris 2020; Melber
2024). Cultural production can also contribute to these dynamics,
fostering forms of storytelling that limit ethical engagement and
constrain narrative imagination (Meretoja 2018). Even sincere attempts
to assume responsibility risk producing exclusionary memory regimes or
prematurely closing the door on historical reckoning.
For the future of memory studies, cultivating memory practices that
embrace structural responsibility—rooted in the interconnectedness of
human beings—remains vital (Sanders 2002; Young 2011). At the same time,
such practices must engage with nuanced understandings of agency, shaped
by the memory of complicity and implication (Sanyal 2015; Rothberg 2019).
The 2025 Mnemonics summer school invites PhD students to critically
engage with these questions through interdisciplinary dialogue.
Participants will reflect on key challenges and opportunities in
bridging memory and responsibility, addressing topics such as the
ethical demands of reckoning with the past, the risks of evasion or
distortion, and the potential for memory to foster solidarity and
justice. Through case studies and theoretical explorations, the summer
school will illuminate the tensions and transformative possibilities
within the interplay of memory and responsibility.
Contributions may address a wide range of topics, such as:
●The challenges and limits of taking responsibility for historical
●(Ir)responsible memory practices in relation to genocides, colonialism,
dictatorships, and wars
●The role of memory in addressing climate change and ecological
●Remembering gender-based violence in responsible ways
●How literature and art negotiate or evade responsibility for the past
●Case studies of effective or problematic attempts to take
responsibility for the past
●The interplay between individual and collective responsibility
●Ethical and political strategies for fostering responsible memory cultures
●How responsibility intersects with enduring structures of power and
●The impact of responsibility on key concepts in memory studies
●The ethical dilemmas of selective memory and forgetting
●The interpretative or imaginative processes involved in reckoning with
the past
●The relationship between responsibility and memories of complicity and
●Collective memory as a means of political and ethical engagement
Key questions for exploration include:
●What does it mean to take responsibility for the past, and what does
this entail?
●What risks and opportunities emerge when addressing historical wrongs?
●When, if ever, does assuming mnemonic responsibility involve a measure
of forgetting?
●How can responsibility for the past be translated into action,
reparations, or educational initiatives?
●What kinds of narratives support ethical memory practices, and how are
they constructed?
●How can memory grapple with forms of harm that are diffuse,
incremental, or invisible?
●How can memory practices rooted in responsibility help address urgent
contemporary and future challenges?
●To what extent are memory cultures grounded in responsibility affected
by polarized and digital societies?
The summer school will include keynote lectures, general discussions,
and professional development sessions. The main emphasis, however, is on
the presentation of PhD work in progress in the form of panels of three
students who each give a 15-minute talk that is based on their ongoing
research while also relevant to the theme of this year’s summer school.
In order to foster feedback and discussion, each panel will include an
extensive response and a Q&A session. The summer school will be
bookended by a special event exploring memory and responsibility in
relation to contemporary conflicts and a decolonial walking tour of Ghent.
*Local Organizers*
Mnemonics 2025 is hosted by the Flemish Memory Studies Network, a
collaboration of memory scholars at Ghent University and KU Leuven. The
organizing team consists of Prof. Stef Craps, Dr Guido Bartolini, Dr
Stefano Bellin, Dr Eva Willems, and Eva Van Hoey (Ghent University)
alongside Prof. Silvana Mandolessi, Prof. Pieter Vermeulen, and Nina
Soudan (KU Leuven).
The summer school will be held at Het Rustpunt
<https://www.hetrustpunt.com/en/home> (Burgstraat 116 or Prinsenhof 39,
9000 Ghent), a residential conference centre housed in a 17th-century
Carmelite monastery. This tranquil, green oasis is located in the heart
of the city. Ghent is easily accessible by road, rail, and air, with
international trains arriving at Brussels-South railway station (a
30-minute train ride from Ghent) and Brussels airport (BRU) just one
hour away by train.
The summer school will officially commence on the morning of Wednesday
10 September 2025 and conclude on the afternoon of Friday 12 September
2025. An optional public event, followed by a reception, is scheduled
for the evening of Tuesday 9 September 2025.
The participation fee is €250 and includes tuition, three nights of
shared accommodation at Het Rustpunt
<https://www.hetrustpunt.com/en/home> (Tuesday 9 September 2025 – Friday
12 September 2025), breakfasts, lunches, coffee breaks, one dinner, and
one reception. Travel costs to Ghent are not covered. Participants who
wish to upgrade from a shared twin room to a private single room
(subject to availability) may do so for a fee of €350. Those who do not
require overnight accommodation can register for €100.
PhD students from institutions in low- and middle-income countries are
encouraged to apply. To facilitate participation, the Flemish Memory
Studies Network offers a limited amount of financial support to select
attendees, based on merit and need. If you wish to be considered for a
fee waiver or travel bursary, please indicate this in your application,
provide a motivation, and disclose any other sources of funding
available to you.
Applications are open to all PhD students with an interest in memory
studies who are actively enrolled at the time of the summer school.Half
of the 24 available spots are reserved for students affiliated with
Mnemonics partner institutions
<http://www.mnemonics.ugent.be/partners/>. Attendance is in-person only.
To apply, please submit the following as a single PDF document to
(MnemonicsGhent /at/ gmail.com) <mailto:(MnemonicsGhent /at/ gmail.com)> by 1 April 2025:
●A 300-word abstract for a 15-minute paper (including the title, your
name, and your institutional affiliation)
●A brief description of your PhD research project (one paragraph)
●A short CV (maximum one page)
*Important Dates*
●Application deadline: 1 April 2025
●Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2025
●Deadline for paper submission: 20 August 2025
Please email (MnemonicsGhent /at/ gmail.com) <mailto:(MnemonicsGhent /at/ gmail.com)>.
*Relevant Links*
●Mnemonics website: https://www.mnemonics.ugent.be/
●Mnemonics on
●Mnemonics on Bluesky: @mnemonics.bsky.social
●Mnemonics on X /(to be deactivated)/:**@mnemonics_net
●Ackerly, Brooke A. /Just Responsibility: A Human Rights Theory of
Global Justice/. Oxford University Press, 2018.
●Bartolini, Guido, and Joseph Ford, eds. /Mediating Historical
Responsibility: Memories of “Difficult Pasts” in European Cultures/. De
Gruyter, 2024.
●Booth, James W. /Memory, Historic Injustice, and Responsibility/.
Routledge, 2020.
●Blustein, Jeffrey. /The Moral Demands of Memory/. Cambridge University
Press, 2008.
●Fonseca, Carlos. /The Literature of Catastrophe: Nature, Disaster and
Revolution in Latin America/. Bloomsbury, 2020.
●Fricker, Miranda. /Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of
Knowledge/. Oxford University Press, 2007.
●Goddeeris, Idesbald. “Mapping the Colonial Past in the Public Space: A
Comparison between Belgium and the Netherlands.” /BMGN—Low Countries
Historical Review/ 135.1 (2020):
●Jelin, Elizabeth. /State Repression and the Labors of Memory/.
University of Minnesota Press, 2003.
●Jones, Hannah. /Violent Ignorance: Confronting Racism and Migration
Control/. Zed Books, 2021.
●Lebow, Richard, Wulf Kansteiner, and Claudio Fogu, eds. /The Politics
of Memory in Postwar Europe/. Duke University Press, 2006.
●Levy, Daniel, and Natan Sznaider. /The Holocaust and Memory in the
Global Age/. Trans. Assenka Oksiloff. Temple University Press, 2006.
●McQuaid, Sara Dybris, and Sarah Gensburger, eds. /Administrations of
Memory: Transcending the Nation and Bringing Back the State in Memory
Studies/. Springer, 2022.
●Melber, Henning. /The Long Shadow of German Colonialism: Amnesia,
Denialism and Revisionism/. C. Hurst, 2024.
●Meretoja, Hanna. /The Ethics of Storytelling: Narrative Hermeneutics,
History and the Possible/. Oxford University Press, 2018.
●Mihai, Mihaela. /Political Memory and the Aesthetics of Care: The Art
of Complicity and Resistance/. Stanford University Press, 2022.
●Niemi, Minna Johanna. /Complicity and Responsibility in Contemporary
African Writing: The Postcolony Revisited/. Routledge, 2021.
●Ricoeur, Paul. /Memory, History, Forgetting/. Trans. Kathleen Blamey
and David Pellauer. University of Chicago Press, 2004.
●Robbins, Bruce. /The Beneficiary/. Duke University Press, 2017.
●Rothberg, Michael. /The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and
Perpetrators/. Stanford University Press, 2019.
●Sanders, Mark. /Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid/. Duke
University Press, 2002.
●Sanyal, Debarati. /Memory and Complicity: Migrations of Holocaust
Remembrance/. Fordham University Press, 2015.
●Shotwell, Alexis. /Against Purity: Living Ethically in Compromised
Times/. University of Minnesota Press, 2016.
●Táíwò, Olúfẹmi O. /Reconsidering Reparations/. Oxford University Press,
●Vázquez-Arroyo, Antonio Y. /Political Responsibility: Responding to the
Predicaments of Power/. Columbia University Press, 2016.
●Young, Iris Marion. /Responsibility for Justice/. Oxford University
Press, 2011.
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