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[Commlist] UN WSIS2025 Geneva: Information Society in Times of Risk - Call for Interest in Session Submission

Wed Jan 22 14:15:05 GMT 2025

UN World Summit of the Information Society
Geneva (Switzerland), July 7-11, 2025

Call for Interest in Session Submission on
"Information Society in Times of Risk"

This session is devoted to the special demands that Information Society
faces in times of Risk, comprising local, regional, national, cross-border and global situations of Crises as well as Natural, Technical and
Humanitarian Disasters, with special attention on highlighting demands,
deficits and potentials of actors and organizations.

Organized by RIMMA CoE in Cooperation with CAST-CCIT
Int. Community of Experts on Risk Information Management, Risk Models and Applications in Cooperation with CAST-CCIT

Submit abstracts until Feb. 15, 2025
Abstracts can be submitted by email to (info /at/ until Feb. 15, 2025 of max. 2 pages A4 (including selected references)
download template at

More Details and Downloads:


Call for Interest in Session Submission
Information Society in Times of Risk

This session is devoted to the special demands that Information Society faces in times of Risk, comprising local, regional, national, cross-border and global situations of Crises as well as Natural, Technical and Humanitarian Disasters, with special attention on highlighting demands, deficits and potentials, of actors and organizations. The UN “all-of-society” principle has a background from the AGENDA21 (1992)1 on the Data Revolution activities that started in 20142 3 and from that time became a general principle The UN Sendai Framework 2015-20304 specifies the expectations to cooperate broadly with “stakeholders, including women, children and youth, persons with disabilities, poor people, migrants, indigenous peoples, volunteers, the community of practitioners and older persons in the design and implementation of policies, plans and standards. There is a need for the public and private sectors and civil society organizations, as well as academia and scientific and research institutions, to work more closely together and to create opportunities for collaboration, and for businesses to integrate disaster risk into their management practices”. Contributions taking into account the special circumstances of Information Management in times of Risk and the consequences for Risk Management (policies, anticipation, preparation, decision, action) in all phases of crises and all types of disasters5 are welcome to cover (but are not limited to):

1 Complexity of Stakeholders and professions (local, regional, national, cross-border, global)6
2	Caregivers’ Perspectives
3	Children at Risk
4	Existing and permanently operable Pillars of Societal Resilience7
5	Disaster induced community disruptions8
6	Civil-Military cooperation
7	Foresighting
8	The Role of Media, Broadcasting and Journalists9
9	Information Technology in times of Risk10
10 Expectations and Challenges of implementing “just-in-time” information availability
11	Impact of climate change on human health
12	“all-of-Society” Platforms, Strategies, Action Plans, and Implementations
13	FAIR Principles11
14	Participation Best Practices
15	Processes and Standards
16	Indigenous people Information, including aspects of Ownership
17	Safeguarding personal and societal, economic and political human rights
18	Social justice and social cohesion in knowledge society
19 Humanitarian Aid and Supply Chain disruption 20 Saving lives and protecting people on the move12 21 Societal Safety13 22 Reports and Documentations, reflecting on inter- ventions /investigations, highlighting demands, deficits and potentials, of actors and organizations
23	other


Abstracts can be submitted by email to (info /at/ until Feb. 15, 2025 of max. 2 pages A4 (including selected references)
download template

Acceptance for oral presentation at WSIS2025 in Geneva (max. 6 presentations of max. 10 min. / 6 slides each) will be according to UN requirements of considering authors region, diversity, age, vulnerable group as far as possible.

Priority of acceptance for oral presentation is given to those authors that attend WSIS2025 physically (a virtual presentation will be exceptional).

Abstracts can be submitted to be included in a book of abstracts to be compiled and published until WSIS2025.

The rapidly growing importance of the main topic of this call to society at large also may lead towards considering a post-WSIS2025 compilation of a book titled “Information Society in Times of Risk”.

For all questions contact the convener, Horst Kremers, Chair, RIMMA CoE (, at (office /at/

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