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[Commlist] CFP - Moving Online Symposium Bursaries

Mon Jan 06 22:38:49 GMT 2025

*Moving Online Symposium Bursaries*

*Deadline for applications 8^th January 2025*

The Moving Online symposium will take place on 30 January 2025 at Coventry University. The event will build on and share the findings from /Moving Online: Ontology and Ownership of Internet Dance/ <>(funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/W01002X/1]). Please see here <> for more information.

We are very pleased to be able to offer 10 bursaries of £150 each to cover in-person participation in the symposium by freelance artists who are not presenting. These are intended for artists whose attendance would not be possible without financial support.

We recognise that artists are often under-represented in academic contexts. We also recognise that some groups of artists are further under-represented in arts contexts more broadly.

Bursaries will be selected at random, following the process outlined below, to try and support participation by those artists who are marginalised within the arts. Please complete the form here <> to be entered into the draw for the bursaries. Deadline 8th January 2025.

*Process for selection:* Eligible applicants who identify as being from a group under-represented in the arts will be entered into draw one, from which five names will be drawn. Eligible applicants who do not identify as being from a group under-represented in the arts or who select ‘don’t know/prefer not to say’ will be added to draw two. Any names not selected from draw one will also be added to the second draw. Five names will be drawn from draw two.

*Please note:* Bursary payments will be made via bank transfer following in-person attendance at the event. Recipients will be required to follow Coventry University’s normal payment processes of which further details will be shared with successful applicants. Payments are normally processed in 1-2 months. There is no registration fee to attend. Bursaries will be expected to cover all other costs associated with attending the event. We cannot cover travel costs for Coventry University students or members of staff. Coventry University PGRs who are not supported by studentships and are also independent artists are welcome to apply to have their time covered if it would not be covered by other means.

*Processing of Data: *The information you provide as part of this form will be processed in line with the Coventry University Group Policies and Procedures for selecting bursary awardees for the Moving Online symposium. For more information on how your data may be handled, please see the Privacy Notice available on our website <>.

If you have any questions, please email Hetty Blades (hetty.blades /at/ <mailto:(hetty.blades /at/>


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