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[Commlist] STS Italy Call for abstracts [Panel 10 - Searching for the Metaverse. Mapping and disentangling the imaginaries of VR-MR]]

Thu Jan 02 06:52:58 GMT 2025

Searching for the Metaverse. Mapping and disentangling the imaginaries of VR-MR
11-13 June 2025, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
(deadline for submission 3 February 2025)

Keywords: Metaverse; Imaginaries; Narratives of VR/MR; History of VR/MR; Politics of VR/MR

After gaining momentum in 2021 with Mark Zuckerberg’s letter announcing META, the idea of the metaverse as an interconnected and interoperable system has been replaced by diferent trends in technological development and market strategies involving multiple human and non-human actors, applications, sociotechnical cultures, and a vast array of potential uses and “misuses” of emerging Virtual and Mixed Reality technologies (VR/MR). From the original vision of a large, interoperable metaverse, we are now witnessing a stage of interpretative fexibility in which the final goals and alleged uses of VR/MR are constantly challenged, discussed, and renegotiated by various actors at both global and national levels. For instance, the Chinese Three-Year Action Plan for the Innovative Development of the Metaverse Industry (2023-2025) and the EU Initiatives on Virtual Worlds sharply contrast with the original concept of the metaverse as portrayed by META, ofering a concrete alternative imaginary of VRMR. Meanwhile, META itself is shifting its narrative and strategy, broadening the types of devices and environments that future users might buy and inhabit. Simultaneously, the proliferation of devices and projects developed by companies and institutional actors contributes to a new form of “balkanization” of VR-MR environments, creating a complex and fragmented archipelago of “reality media” that parallels the ongoing competition among companies, states, and relevant groups in the digital market.  In line with the diverse and non-networked dimensions of contemporary imaginaries of the metaverse, this panel aims to gather researchers from various disciplines and geographical areas to discuss the narratives, social practices, and emerging uses and misuses surrounding past and current VR/MR technologies. To disentangle the imaginaries of VR/MR, we invite submissions addressing (but not limited to) the following topics:

• The relationships between past and current narratives of VR-MR at global and national levels; • Practices and design of usable spaces in VR-MR, focusing on the logic of interoperability and cooperation among tech-makers and users of VR-MR artefacts and environments; • Recurring tropes, fction/non-fiction narratives, and the sociotechnical construction of VR/MR applications, devices, and environments; • Empirical and ethnographic research in situated VR/MR environments and communities;  • Struggles, conficts, and or cooperation between the visions and expectations of corporations, companies, institutions, and user communities;
• VR/MR imaginaries/narratives and marginalized groups or communities;
• Forms of resistance to VR/MR as tools of surveillance and control.

In addition to standard academic presentations, we invite submissions presenting artistic and ongoing projects and representations of metaversal-VR/MR technologies, narratives, and futures, as well as examples and experiences of co-production of VR/MR technologies, applications, and environments involving diverse actors such as online communities, startups, grassroots movements, civic organizations, and NGOs.

Paolo Bory, Politecnico di Milano
Stefano Bory, University Federico II of Naples
Gianluigi Negro, Università degli Studi di Siena

Link to submit your proposal <>

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