Archive for August 2023

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[Commlist] Call for Book Chapters: Class in contemporary UK society

Wed Aug 16 21:49:18 GMT 2023

*Call for Chapters:  Class in contemporary UK society *

As an explanatory analytical framework, class has to a greater or lesser degree been sidelined in academia. Addressing from various academic disciplines the complex theoretical, political, and ethical ramifications involved in the exploration of social class this book aims to provide undergraduates and postgraduate with an accessible reference book. Our argument is that the analysis of class remains the most essential and significant theoretical tool for the study of the way in which social, cultural and economic norms are reproduced. The proposed textbook will provide both an engagement with historical systems of class analysis while formulating new ways of engaging with the issue. Social class operates like an invisible coordinate system that orients our society and shapes individual trajectories permeating and affecting all areas of all lives. While UK society embraces myths of meritocracy, the truth remains that class structures, and class inequalities continue to dictate life chances. Our socioeconomic status inheres opportunity, defines neighbourhoods and delineates the possible. Class stamps identities, forges worldviews, and leaves its impact in many areas of society.


*Scope of this book. *

The category of class is not compatible with single theories or practices. This edited volume will provide a multi-disciplinary analysis of the pervasive and interconnecting impacts of social class. It will achieve this by contextualising class across the key political, institutional and ideological domains of contemporary UK society. Academic contributors will illuminate the complex dynamics of socioeconomic status, resource inequities, cultural capital, and intersecting identities that shape class-based experiences, biases, constraints, and marginalisation’s. Spanning topics from health, housing, education, media, and the arts, chapters will unravel the tangible and hidden disadvantages facing working-class communities, while also highlighting their strengths, forms of capital, and agency. The book aims to raise awareness of class injustice and spark renewed public will to enact a more equitable society. By synthesizing current interdisciplinary scholarship on class and illustrating its complex intersections with race, gender, geography, disability status, and sexuality, this volume will become a core text for courses examining the myriad impacts of class across

society. This book fills a needed niche as an accessible volume on class spanning multiple domains, ideal for use with university courses that cover social class from an interdisciplinary point of view of Sociology, Social Policy, Health, Criminology, Cultural Studies, Film Studies, TV Studies etc.

We invite chapter submissions on the following subjects, but not limited too:

Class and…




*Criminal Justice System*

*Television *


*News Media*

* Creative industries*

***Art World *

*Class and Culture. *

If you have any questions about potential submissions, please contact the editors (Dr Teresa Crew and Dr Deirdre O'Neill. via email on: (classcontemporaryuksociety /at/


Abstracts of up to 500 words and 100 word bio should be submitted via email to: (classcontemporaryuksociety /at/ by Friday 27th September 2023, 5PM BST. Once we confirm the publishers, chapters of 7000 words will be due in 2025 (date to be confirmed). There will be a two stage review process:

  1accepted to be part of the book proposal,

  2peer review following submission of your chapter.

  Deadline for abstracts – Friday 27th September 2023

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