Archive for February 2023

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[Commlist] New book- Full-Throttle Franchise: The culture, business and politics of Fast & Furious

Thu Feb 23 08:33:59 GMT 2023

New book


Edited by Joshua Gulam, Fraser Elliott and Sarah Feinstein
You can find full details of the book on the Bloomsbury website (


When the first Fast & Furious film was released in June 2001, few predicted that it would be a box office hit, let alone the launchpad for a multibillion-dollar franchise. A mid-budget crime movie set around LA's underground street racing scene, the film became one of the surprise hits of that summer, earning more than five times its budget in worldwide ticket sales. Two decades and nine films later, Fast & Furious today ranks among the top 10 highest-grossing movie franchises of all time, with a box office total of $6.6 billion and counting and it has also given rise to an animated TV show and theme park ride.

Full-Throttle Franchise is the first book to offer an in-depth analysis of Fast & Furious, bringing together a range of scholars to explore not only the style and themes of the franchise, but also its broader cultural impact and legacy. The collected essays establish the franchise's importance in cinematic and ideological terms, linking their discussions to wider issues of genre, representation, adaptation, and industry. Topics range from stardom and performance, focusing on key actors Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson, to the way in which Fast & Furious intersects with dominant ideas of racial, gender, and sexual identity.

Aimed at both scholars and fans, Full-Throttle Franchise seeks to uncover just what has made Fast & Furious so enduringly popular, mapping its outrageous set pieces, ever-expanding universe, and growing cast of global megastars in terms of wider cultural and industrial forces.


1. Researching Fast & Furious in the franchise era of Hollywood
Joshua Gulam (Liverpool Hope University), Sarah Feinstein (University of Leeds), and Fraser Elliott (University of Edinburgh)

2. From Mission Impossible to Mission Insanity: A longitudinal analysis of action sequences in the Fast & Furious franchise
Lennart Soberon (Ghent University)

3. 'For those ten seconds, I'm free': Temporality, affect and spectacle in the Fast & Furious franchise
Naja Later (Swinburne University)

4. A critical quantitative analysis of race and representation in the Fast Saga films Pete Jones (University of Alberta) and Joshua Gulam (Liverpool Hope University)

5. Vin Diesel as franchise auteur: Intersectional authorship and the cuddly hardbody in Los Bandeleros CarrieLynn D. Reinhard (Dominican University) and Christopher J. Olson (University of Wisconsin)

6. Fast, Furious, and Free of Sex: Dom, Brian, and hetero male affection
Aaron Hunter (Trinity College Dublin)

7. 'What's real is family': Maternal bodies, paternal labour and parenting roles in Fast & Furious
Bianca Batti (Georgia Institute of Technology)

8. 'I never want to lose a fight': Masculinity, machismo and high-octane action in the Fast & Furious franchise
Rebecca Feasey (Bath Spa University)

9. The on- and off-screen bromances of Fast & Furious
Jackie Raphael (Curtin University) and Celia Lam (University of Nottingham in China)

10. 'It's so so so so so so important': China's role in shaping the Fast & Furious franchise
Fraser Elliott (University of Edinburgh)

11. Fun for all the family: Adapting Fast & Furious as animated children's television
Sam Summers (Middlesex University)

12. 'Zero tolerance for candy asses': World Wrestling Entertainment and Fast & Furious as transmedia storytelling
Robert Watts (University of Manchester)

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