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[Commlist] cfp: Media Mutations 14 CfP /Investigating Medical Drama TV series: approaches and perspectives

Mon Feb 20 17:19:14 GMT 2023

*Media Mutations 14 International Conference Call for Papers –
**/Investigating Medical Drama TV series: approaches and perspectives/*

Bologna, Dipartimento delle Arti – DAMSLab, May 18th-19th, 2023

Media Mutations is an international conference on contemporary audiovisual media hosted by the Department of the Arts at the University of Bologna.
The event has now reached its 14th edition. This year’s focus is on
medical drama TV series and on different methodological approaches
employed to analyze this type of audiovisual serial product. Since its
inception in the 1960s, medical drama has become one of the
most relevant genres on the television scene and derives its name,
on one hand, from the context in which the events take place, usually
the hospital; on the other, from the narrative development of medical
cases, professional dynamics and sentimental relationships.
The wide diffusion and the success of this genre, almost entirely due
to television, has attracted the attention not only of critics
and researchers in the field of media studies, but also of providers of medical devices and more generally of medical professionals. Moreover, the recent Covid period requires further investigation from this point of view into how much this has affected the representation of medical professions in television series.
Although many of the most famous medical TV series, first and foremost
/E.R./, are no longer airing, OTT platforms such as Netflix and

Amazon Prime Video allow the audience to continue enjoying them.
Moreover, recent years have seen a global increase in serial productions
of the medical genre. In this context, much research has investigated
the narrative model of medical dramas and the role of the audience in
their reception, also in relation to the pedagogical ability of these
stories, which are considered a powerful medium from an educational
point of view.
Indeed, the popularization and the social impact of medical dramas are
studied primarily for their influence on medical students and on
the representation of healthcare delivered to the public. Medical
dramas represent also relevant social themes and hence they have been
analyzed from a bioethical perspective. On the same level, the
representation of marginalized categories has acquired more and more
importance and several medical TV series have been analyzed in gender
studies considering for example the evolution of the depiction of diversity.
Lastly, these products require the use of a specialized language
and consequently, from a linguistic point of view, research on
dubbing, medical terminology and textual analysis has also been prolific.
Drawing on these multi-disciplinary perspectives, the conference aims
to promote discussion and share research results on medical drama TV series
focusing on the different methods and approaches employed for
their analysis. Media Mutations 14 encourages submissions that focus on
medical drama TV series, using different methodologies and perspectives such as:
      * Quantitative and qualitative content analysis (e.g. 
textual and narrative  analysis)
      * Consumption and reception analysis
      * Gender studies
      * Production and distribution strategies
      * Narrative ecosystem approach
      * Cultural Studies:
          - impact on popular culture and behaviors
          - imageries about doctors and medicine
       * Education, training and bioethics:
          - impact on medical professionals
          - ethical questions

      * Network analysis and visualization of audiovisual data
      * Linguistic analysis
     * Text analysis and machine learning (e.g. topic modelling, Natural Language Processing) for:
         - dialogue analysis and character recognition
         - screenplay summarization
         - semantic video analysis
         - scene segmentation
         - emotional arc classification

The official language of the conference is English. Abstracts
(300-500 words for 20-minute talks) should be sent to
(submissions /at/ <mailto:(submissions /at/>

<mailto:(submissions /at/ <mailto:(submissions /at/>> by *February 28th,* 2023. Please
attach a short biography (maximum 150 words) and an optional selected
bibliography (up to five titles) relevant to the conference theme.
The conference will be in presence. Notification of acceptance will be
sent by March 5th, 2023.
A registration fee will be requested after notification of paper
acceptance (€80 for speakers and professional attendants).

The conference is organized by Stefania Antonioni (Università degli
Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo) and Marta Rocchi (Università di Bologna).
In collaboration with the research project “Narrative Ecosystem
Analysis and Development framework (NEAD framework). A systemic approach to
contemporary serial product. The medical drama case”, with Dipartimento
delle Arti, Università di Bologna and the support of Centro
Dipartimentale La Soffitta.

Confirmed keynote speaker: Irene Cambra Badii (Universitat de Vic
– Universitat Central de Catalunya)
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