Archive for December 2022

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[Commlist] CfP for SIEF23: Living in the Uncertain City: Micromobilities, Boundary Making and Multilocal Care

Fri Dec 23 12:43:54 GMT 2022

Please consider submitting an abstract for the panel /Living in the Uncertain City: Micromobilities, Boundary Making and Multilocal Care /at SIEF23. The next SIEF congress will be held in Brno, Czech Republic, between June 7^th and 10^th .

*Living in the Uncertain City: Micromobilities, Boundary Making and Multilocal Care *

The COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the subsequent cost of living crisis instigated unprecedented uncertainties. Anxiety, precarity and hope shape future visions of urban green spaces, transgenerational care commitments, and community relations (Almeida, 2021). Discussing ethnographic evidence from present-day disasters, this panel explores how discourses of uncertainty contribute to the socio-technical reordering of urban space. The overarching aim of the panel is to bring together scholars who assess the role of imaginings about uncertainty in urban life. The ongoing times of crises coincide with a ubiquitous implementation of geospatial information technologies in urban space. Urban micromobilities, which are facilitated by navigational smartphone apps, e-scooters, e-bikes, delivery robots and drones, have reconfigured urban lifestyles (e.g., Leszczynski, & Elwood, 2022). The uncertainties associated with the global pandemic and the military conflict have also produced a crisis of care, which is played out in multilocal contexts. While numerous care homes and people with mental health issues were left in limbo during the pandemic, care for the ecosystems of the planet has widely been neglected (Mody, 2020). Finally, the datafication of urban space has prompted epistemological uncertainty. The rise of mobile technologies in the city and digitised archives pose challenges for ethnographic methodologies. This panel invites contributions to understandings of lived spaces and everyday practices in uncertain times: Which tactics do urban (or rural) communities pursue to cope with current uncertainties and spatial restructuring? To what extent have pandemic lockdown policies changed urbanity? How is the right to the computational city re-negotiated during crises?

*Panel Convenors: *

Christian Ritter (Karlstad University)

Tarmo Pikner (Tallinn University)

Trausti Dagsson (The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies)

Abstracts can be directly submitted to our panel until January 10^th : <>

Feel free to reach out to us in case you have any questions (e.g., (christian.ritter /at/ <mailto:(christian.ritter /at/>).

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