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[Commlist] Call for Abstracts: Special Issue at MedieKultur - Sports events in a transmedia landscape

Thu Dec 22 16:12:27 GMT 2022

***Call for Abstracts: Special Issue at MedieKultur - Sports events in a transmedia landscape***

Guest editors:

Professor Kirsten Frandsen, Aarhus University, Denmark,  and Associate professors, Line Nybro Petersen and Mogens Olesen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Contact (olesen /at/ <mailto:(olesen /at/><mailto:(olesen /at/ <mailto:(olesen /at/>> for further information

Issue editor: Anne Mette Thorhauge, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Abstracts should contain a maximum of 1500 words excluding references.

It should include the research question(s) addressed, theoretical and methodological approaches. Abstracts should be submitted as a Word document via our journal system at

Deadline for abstract submission: February 15, 2023

Acknowledgement of acceptance for full paper submission: March 15, 2023

Deadline for full paper: June 30, 2023

Expected publication: November 2023

No payments or Article Processing Charges (APC) from authors or their institutions will be required.

Please visit MedieKultur’s website for further information on how to submit your abstract:



Sport and sport events are in many ways among the most popular media

phenomena today. Television broadcasters continue to invest heavily to

secure exclusive live coverage rights for both their broadcasting and

streaming platforms, while global tech platforms and live sports

streaming platforms, like Amazon Prime, Facebook, DAZN and Tencent, have

started intervening in the rights coverage markets (Hutchins et al.

2019). As television continues to have a primary anchoring role for both

organizers and audiences of big traditional sports events (Hutchins &

Sanderson 2017), social networking services extend the narration and

experience of sports and events, making sport one of the most discussed

topics on social network platforms, which in turn informs content in

television programming. However traditional sports events are now

accompanied by the proliferation of e-sport events like the League of

Legends World Championship and the Fortnite World Cup which also

encompass distinct fan cultures and production and distribution

strategies across many platforms.

Sport events in the digital environment must therefore be understood as

a more diverse range of events, where audiences engage in new sports and

in new converging practices that can be termed ‘participatory liveness’

(Frandsen, Jerslev & Mortensen, 2022). They are transmedia events, like

in the case of Tour de France where a multiplicity of audio and visual

media are involved in both production and reception processes.

Organization of sport events involve a combined orchestration of

activities and strategic interests of multiple agents, including sport

organizations, media organizations, global platforms, gaming producers,

political bodies, local organizers, sponsors, tourist organizations,

audiences and fans. Thus sports events are central for processes of

promotion, datafication, platformization and intensified commodification

as well. Through their presence as spectators at the games and through

television viewing and participatory practices online (Jenkins 2008,

Rowe & Hutchins 2014), audiences and fans actively contribute to the

creation of major sport competitions as media events (Dayan & Katz 1994).

While often constituting festive and ritualized expressions of imagined

communities with shared values, sport events are increasingly used as

vehicles of soft power (Nye 2004) on the geopolitical scene and emerge

as stages for public discussions and expressions of topical political

and cultural themes including mental health, identity, gender, race,

climate and human rights. Issues of conflict and protests against

hegemonic ideologies and structures seem to become more prominent in the

mediated discourses creating the events as media events. In particular,

the preparations for two mega-events in 2022, the FIFA World Cup in

Qatar and the Winter Olympics in Beijing, have been dominated by broader

political controversies. These developments are underpinned by continued

globalization and digitization and point to a need for further

discussion of the sport event as media event (Hepp & Couldry 2010).

This issue welcomes examinations of sport events with particular

attention to the role of media and platforms in processes of production

of events and/or in related fan strategies and practices – this may

include discussions of global and local interests surrounding sport

events, and of fan activist movements emerging from or using sport

events to promote specific debates.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

·Digital activism and movements directed at or provoked by sport events

·Sports organizations’ transmedia production strategies

·Strategic collaborations between sport organizations, local organizers

and politicians

·Transmedia perspectives on the relations between mass media and social

network media

·Fan cultures’ digital and non-digital practices in relation to sport events

·E-sports events as media events

·Sport events on social media platforms

·The role of affect and emotions among media and fan reactions to sport


·Sport as events for and possibilities for promoting political issues

·Sport as events for and possibilities for creating or strengthening

senses of imagines communities

·Regional and global differences in receptions and interpretations of

sport events

·Theoretical approaches to sports events as media events or subject to

processes of platformization and/or datafication.


Dayan, D., & Katz, E. (1992). Media events: The live broadcasting of

history. Harvard University Press.

Frandsen, K., Jerslev, A. & Mortensen, M. (2022). Media events in the

age of global, digital media: Centring, scale, and participatory

liveness. Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 4 (1), 1-18.

Hepp, A., & Couldry, N. (2010). Introduction. In N. Couldry, A. Hepp, &

F. Krotz (Eds.), Media events in a global age (pp. 1–21). Routledge.

Hutchins, B., Li, B. & Rowe, D. (2019).  Over-the-top sport: live

streaming services, changing coverage rights markets and the growth of

media sport portals. Medie, Culture & Society, 41(7), 975-994.

Hutchins, B., & Sanderson, J. (2017). The primacy of sports television:

Olympic media, social networking services, and multi-screen viewing

during the Rio 2016 Games. Media International Australia, 164(1), 32–42.

Jenkins, R. (2008). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media

Collide. New York University Press.

Rowe, D. & Hutchins, B. (2014). Globalization and online audiences. In

Billings, A.C. & Harding, M. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Sport and New

Media (pp. 7-18). Routledge.

Nye, J. S. (2004). Soft power : The means to success in world politics.


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